Exploring the top manufacturing trends shaping 2024; From automation to sustainability

Published by
Asutosh Mohanty

Technological advancements in the manufacturing sector play a vital role in the growth of the world economy. Emerging manufacturing trends include industrial automation, smart factories, additive manufacturing, and Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, manufacturing companies are looking to maintain productivity with reduced manpower.

Hence, startups and scaleups are developing smart sensors, immersive technology gadgets, and wearables that eliminate the need for the physical presence of workers. Simultaneously, companies are shifting to sustainable materials and green energy sources to reduce the carbon footprint of manufacturing facilities and products.

Top 10 Manufacturing Trends in 2024

1. Industrial Automation

Since the dawn of the first industrial revolution, advances in processes and equipment focused on enhancing manufacturing through automation. By minimising human involvement in repetitive and perilous tasks, factories boost safety and also save substantial costs. However, the capital investment and complexity associated with automated systems have historically posed challenges. Thankfully, recent breakthroughs in control systems and robotics have made automation more accessible and cost-effective.

As a result, robotic automation is emerging as the most pivotal technology within the manufacturing industry’s evolving landscape. Industrial automation streamlines an array of production processes, encompassing material handling, assembly, painting, and various machining and finishing operations. This transformative trend enhances efficiency and opens doors to increased productivity and scalability for manufacturing enterprises worldwide.

2. Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing offers a rapid and efficient means of transforming a concept into a finished product. With the support of computer-aided design (CAD), it liberates product design from constraints. This enables unconventional and intricate designs that are cost-prohibitive with traditional manufacturing methods. The versatility of additive manufacturing extends to various industries, including aerospace, healthcare, automotive, and consumer goods.

3. Artificial Intelligence

Modern manufacturing equipment yields an abundance of data, encompassing process and performance parameters. Extracting valuable insights from this data holds the key to optimising production, scheduling maintenance, and effectively managing assets. Unfortunately, manual data analysis is time-intensive while standard computer software often falls short in recognising trends and drawing logical conclusions. AI, a pivotal player in the realm of manufacturing trends, offers a solution to the challenge of swiftly analysing vast datasets and deriving actionable insights. AI revolutionises multiple facets of manufacturing operations.

4. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

The Industrial Internet of Things involves the integration of interconnected sensors, devices, and instruments throughout the manufacturing process. These devices provide real-time data and connectivity, allowing manufacturers to monitor and control their operations remotely. The data from IIoT also enables advanced solutions like predictive maintenance. IIoT enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and improves worker safety by streamlining processes and asset management.

5. Immersive Technology

Immersive technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are rapidly emerging as influential trends in the manufacturing industry. AR overlays essential information onto machinery, guiding operators through complex assembly processes and maintenance tasks. This reduces the risk of errors and enhances worker efficiency.

6. Big Data & Analytics

Big data and analytics involve the systematic collection, storage, and analysis of vast amounts of data generated during the manufacturing process. This data ranges from machine performance metrics and production rates to supply chain logistics and customer feedback. Manufacturers leverage advanced analytics tools and machine learning algorithms to extract valuable insights from this data. These insights empower them to make data-driven decisions, optimise processes, reduce waste, and enhance product quality.

7. Cloud Computing

Manufacturers utilise cloud Computing to host IT infrastructure in remote servers to store, manage, and process data and applications. This mitigates the need for expensive IT infrastructure costs and maintenance. One key benefit of this approach is enhanced flexibility and scalability, allowing for rapid adjustments in response to changing production demands. This flexibility improves efficiency and reduces costs.

Another advantage is improved collaboration and data sharing. Cloud-based platforms facilitate real-time communication and data exchange between different manufacturing units. This streamlined collaboration accelerates decision-making and enhances overall productivity.

8. 5G

5G technology provides faster and more reliable connectivity for data-intensive applications like AI, IoT, and more. With its high-speed data transmission capabilities, low latency, and high capacity, manufacturers deploy a multitude of IoT devices for real-time monitoring and control. This enables predictive maintenance, reduces downtime, and enhances overall operational efficiency.

9. Wearables

Wearables are emerging as a transformative trend in the manufacturing industry, offering benefits in terms of safety, efficiency, and productivity. Such wearable devices, ranging from smart glasses and helmets to exoskeletons and wristbands, are equipped with advanced sensors and AR capabilities. For instance, wearables enhance worker safety by delivering real-time alerts and guidance, enabling employees to avoid accidents and potential hazards.

10. Green Manufacturing

Sustainable manufacturing revolves around eco-conscious practices and processes that minimise the environmental footprint of production. This approach prioritises resource efficiency, reduced waste generation, and the use of renewable energy sources. One of the core principles of green manufacturing is the implementation of cleaner technologies and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Impact of the Top 10 Manufacturing Trends in 2024

Based on the Manufacturing Innovation Map, the treemap below illustrates the impact of the 10 new trends in manufacturing in 2024. Startups and scaleups tackle these challenges through solutions that implement industrial automation and AI-based decision-making systems. In addition, the application of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and immersive technologies enable remote monitoring and maintenance of industrial assets.

Additive manufacturing is also gaining a foothold in the manufacturing ecosystem, transforming it from a prototyping method to a decentralised mass production tool.

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