In a significant development, several senior Congress leaders in Kerala have decided to join the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), following in the footsteps of Padmaja Venugopal, daughter of late Congress veteran K. Karunakaran. Among the latest entrants are eminent sports personality Padmini, former president of the Kerala State Sports Council and winner of medals in the 1982 Asian Games, along with Thiruvananthapuram Congress leader Thampanoor Satheesh.
Padmini, who was a close associate of late Congress veterans K. Karunakaran and Oommen Chandy, cited a lack of support and encouragement for sports from the Congress government and party. She expressed confidence in the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government, highlighting their commitment to promoting sports and games in the country.
Joining Padmini and Satheesh at the membership acceptance programme held at the BJP Election Committee Office in Thiruvananthapuram was Thiruvananthapuram Congress leader Udayan. The leaders were welcomed into the BJP by state president K. Surendran and union minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar, who is also the party candidate in the Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha constituency.
Speaking at the event, Padmini emphasised the need for proactive measures to encourage sports and games, which she believed were lacking under the Congress government. She praised Prime Minister Modi and his government for their unwavering support and encouragement in this regard.
BJP leaders present at the occasion noted that more leaders from the Congress may follow suit and join the BJP in the coming days. The influx of senior Congress leaders into the BJP marks a significant political shift in Kerala and reflects the growing appeal of the BJP in the state.