A day after joining the BJP, former Eastern Air Commander and Kargil war veteran Air Marshal Dilip Patnaik said on March 4 that he had witnessed a lot of change in the style of governance since 2014 when Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister. He also said that BJP is the only party that will keep the nation forward. He said he served the nation for 40 years by being a member of the Indian Air Force.
#WATCH | Bhubaneswar | On joining the BJP, former Eastern Air Commander and Kargil war veteran Air Marshal Dilip Patnaik (retd.) says, "I have served this nation for 40 years by being a member of the Indian Air Force. BJP is the party that'll provide more opportunities in the… pic.twitter.com/t2q5hC8MQp
— ANI (@ANI) March 4, 2024
Hailing the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said, “BJP is the party that’ll provide more opportunities in the service of people. Multiple parties are there but I see the BJP as a party with nationalistic fervour”.
“Whatever he (PM) had promised for the welfare of the nation, like abrogation of article 370, economic stability and global standing of India… I am convinced that this is the only party that’ll keep our nation forward,” he said.
Justifying his decision to join the BJP, he said, “During my service, I have seen five to six Prime Ministers and their style of governance but I have witnessed a lot of things changing in terms of governance especially between 2014 to 2022. …”
He also spoke about the PM’s mantra of ‘Minimum Government, Maximum Governance’. “I will get a chance to serve the public,” he added. He joined the party in Odisha on March 3 in the presence of senior State BJP officials.
Speaking on PM Modi’s Viksit Bharat 2047 vision, he said, “If this remains a proclaimed aim, I think Modi sahab, his team and with his way of governance, it can be achieved.”
“If I can contribute something towards realising this vision, I will be very delighted to work for the party,” Dilip Patnaik said.
The development comes ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, which are expected to be held in April-May.
(with inputs from ANI)