In a significant breakthrough, Andhra Pradesh police apprehended a gang involved in the production of counterfeit currency notes in Ramachandra Puram. The key person behind the illicit operation, Moganti Gopi, was arrested along with four accomplices.
DSP Ramakrishna said, “Gopi, a former driver, rented a house in Ramachandra Puram, where he orchestrated the production of fake currency notes with the help of his associates. His involvement in this criminal enterprise began after facing financial hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic. Seeking quick solutions to their monetary struggles, Gopi and his friends initiated the production of counterfeit currency notes under the guidance of Challa Nuka Reddy.”
“Nuka Reddy, a notorious figure from Vijayanagaram, already had a criminal record related to the printing and circulation of fake currency notes across multiple districts. His association with Gopi further fueled the illegal operation in Ramachandra Puram,” he added.
He mentioned that during the raid, police seized 75,500 counterfeit notes, along with laptops and other instruments utilised in the production process. The successful operation has dealt a blow to the illicit currency circulation network, ensuring that the perpetrators face legal consequences.
“The arrested individuals will now face charges related to counterfeiting currency, and further investigations are underway to dismantle any remaining connections to this criminal network,” the police said.
Earlier on February 21, the Visakhapatnam City Police dismantled a gang and arrested two individuals involved in circulating fake currency.
According to Visakha City Police DCP Meka Sattibabu, two individuals, identified as Bhaskara Raju and Maddala Srinivas, were caught red-handed while dealing with counterfeit notes at Kakani Nagar.
(with inputs from ANI)