Imphal: In a disturbing turn of events, a mob of approximately 300-400 individuals attempted to storm the Churachandpur SP office in Manipur on the night of February 15. This incident unfolded just hours after a head constable of the district police, Siamlalpaul, was suspended. The suspension followed the circulation of a video on social media, allegedly depicting the constable in the company of armed individuals and sitting alongside village volunteers.
The Manipur Police, addressing the situation, stated, “A mob numbering approximately 300-400 attempted to storm the office of SP CCP today, pelting stones, etc. The SF (security forces) including RAF is responding appropriately by firing tear gas shells to control the situation. Things are under watch. Churachandpur SP Shivanand Surve took swift action by suspending Head Constable Siamlalpaul with immediate effect until further orders.” The suspension comes as a response to the viral video that raised concerns about the constable’s association with armed men and his involvement with village volunteers.
The attempt to storm the SP office reflects the heightened tension and public outcry surrounding the suspension. Security forces, including the Rapid Action Force (RAF), are actively engaged in maintaining order, employing tear gas shells to control the agitated mob.
Earlier, Manipur Police have apprehended six individuals linked to the looting of arms from the India Reserve Battalion (IRB) camp in Chingarel, located in Manipur’s Imphal East district. The incident, which occurred on the night of February 13, 2024, involved the theft of four Insas rifles, an AK Ghatak, two SLR magazines, and 16 small boxes of 9mm ammunition from the 5th IRB camp.
The police, commenting on the arrests, stated, “In connection with the arms looting case at the 5th IRB camp in Chingarel, Imphal East, six individuals were apprehended on February 14, 2024, and have been remanded into police custody by a judicial magistrate. Additionally, we have successfully recovered four Insas Rifles, one AK Ghatak, two SLR magazines, and 16 small boxes of 9mm ammunition suspected to have been looted from the 5th IRB.”
However, the authorities did not disclose the specific location where the arms were recovered or provide details regarding the arrest locations. The incident unfolded when an unruly mob forcibly entered the 5th IRB camp at Chingarel, making off with the arms and ammunition. In the aftermath, a large group of “village volunteers” attempted to breach the Manipur Police Training College at Pangei in Imphal East, approximately 5 km away from Chingarel.