During his address on January 22, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohan Bhagwat spoke about drawing inspiration from the ideals of Ramrajya, emphasising the importance of practicing core values embedded in dharma for fostering a harmonious and compassionate society.
What was Ramrajya like?
“It was free from physical, worldly, and otherworldly sufferings. There was no corruption in Ram’s kingdom.Citizens loved each other, adhered to their duties, and followed the scriptures. All were righteous and virtuous, whether men or women—they were scholarly and wise. They were full of gratitude and had no deceit.”
This is how ordinary citizens of Ramrajya have been described to us. We are also the children of this proud Bharat. Those millions who sing praise of Ramrajya are our own people. We must practice and adhere to this kind of behaviour; we must bid farewell to all our disputes; and we must not engage in petty arguments and fights. How were the common citizens in Ramrajya—they had no arrogance, they adhered to authenticity, and they were not just talkers but doers. They did their duties and had no ego. Perhaps there is ample scope for scholastic discourse on these issues.
The four core values of dharma as mentioned in the Shrimad Bhagavad are—Truth (satya), compassion (karuna), purity of heart (shuchita), and austerity (tapas). What does it mean for us to practice these values in today’s age? Truth says that Ram is present in all beings. Brahman is the ultimate truth. He is everywhere. With this knowledge, we must walk in harmony with each other. Because when we walk, we walk for everyone. Everyone belongs to us. That is why we can walk. Therefore, practicing unity and living in harmony with each other is the first step towards dharma, which is the practice of truth. Compassion is the second step. Its practice involves service and helping others. The government has launched many schemes to provide relief to the poor. Everything is happening, but it is also our duty to further these enterprises. After all, members of the society are like our own family members.Wherever we see pain, suffering, we should rush to help and serve. Earn with both hands. Keep the minimum necessary for ourselves, and give back the rest through service and welfare. This is the meaning of compassion today. To follow civic discipline is true patriotism. To live with purity means to have a sense of sanctity. Sanctity requires self-control. We must restrain ourselves. Not everything about our desires, our opinions, our words, is always correct. Even if they are correct, others also have opinions, desires. That is why if we keep ourselves in self-control, then the world can sustain life. As Gandhiji said – Earth has enough for everyone’s need, but it cannot satisfy everyone’s greed. Therefore, do not be greedy, stay disciplined, and follow civic discipline. Maintain discipline in your life, discipline in your family, discipline in your society, and follow civic discipline in social life.
Ram Lalla will inspire us
Sister Nivedita said that to have civic consciousness in an independent country and to follow civic discipline is the form of patriotism. This brings purity in life. The example of austerity has been given to you today. While we observe personal austerity, we must also pay attention to collective austerity. Collective austerity is—let us move together, debate and discuss among ourselves, and extract consensus from it. We will speak the same language. It will be harmonized with speech, mind, action, and words, and we will move together. We will make our country a world guru. We all have to practice this austerity.
Ram Lalla is being remembered as a duty. For 500 years, many generations have dedicated themselves, worked hard, sacrificed their lives, shed blood and sweat, to make this day of joy come true to the entire nation. We are grateful to all of them in our hearts. When I sit here, I wonder what have I done to enjoy this privilege? What they have done, I have merely become its representative. In the role of that representative, I accept this contribution and offer it to them. But their vow propel us forward. It is our duty to create favorable conditions in our selves, and in our country, for the establishment of a righteous order—a Dharma-abiding society for whose sake Ram took incarnation in the world.
Ram Lalla has come to delight, inspire, and motivate us. Besides reminding us of our duty, he has come to move us into acting wisely. Taking their command on our heads, let us move forward from here. Everyone may not be able to come here, but they are listening and watching. If we follow this vow from this very moment, by the time the construction of the mandir is completed, and the construction of the ‘Vishwa Guru’ Bharat will also be completed. We all have such capability. Reminding you of this once again, I thank you all.
(Given on the occasion of the consecration of Shri Ram Lalla on January 22, 2024 in Ayodhya)