In a distressing turn of events, a Bohra Muslim family residing in Mumbai, Maharashtra, faced ridicule from Islamists on social media for partaking in Diwali celebrations and bursting firecrackers during the Hindu festival. The video capturing the family’s festivities was shared by an individual named Salman Khan on Instagram. Alongside an abusive emoji directed at the family, Khan expressed disapproval, stating that it was inappropriate for a Muslim family to celebrate Diwali.
“Muslim family Diwali manate huye. Wrong (Muslim family celebrating Diwali is wrong),” he wrote on Instagram. The video has garnered significant attention, with 2.5 million views and over 1 lakh likes. Regrettably, the comments section below the video revealed communal and threatening remarks from Islamists, suggesting severe punishment, including death, for the Bohra family’s participation in a Hindu festival. The video can be seen here.
The authenticity of the video, whether it is recent or from previous years, remains unverified. Nevertheless, the footage laid bare the animosity harbored by Islamists, who not only directed abuse at the Muslim family but also extended it towards Hindus.
Islamist users disseminated hate messages targeting the Hindu community and ridiculed the Muslim family for participating in a Hindu festival. The video is believed to have been recorded in the Marine Drive region of Mumbai, Maharashtra, a highly populated area in the city. In the comments section, one user went so far as to express that “Allah must punish these Muslims who ‘disrespect’ Islam instead of punishing ‘innocents’ in Gaza.” This user explicitly advocated for the family to face a death penalty for celebrating a Hindu festival.
Moreover, while many users praised the family for embracing and honoring Hindu traditions and culture, a number of Islamists derided the Muslims for allegedly ‘disrespecting’ Islam. These Islamists declined to acknowledge the Bohri Muslims, instead labeling them as ‘Kafirs’ (non-believers).
“Muslims in Palestine are being killed, and here these people are celebrating Diwali with kafirs,” remarked one user. Concurrently, another asserted, “Brother, these are Bohras, not Muslims.”
Another Islamist user suggested that Muslims should refrain from celebrating Hindu festivals, emphasizing that Hindus don’t observe Muslim festivals. “Do they celebrate Bakri Eid? Then why do we celebrate Hindu festivals? If this is the case, then Hindus should also celebrate Bakri Eid,” the user stated.
In contrast, numerous users asserted that the family participating in Diwali celebrations belonged to the Bohri community, distinct from the broader Muslim community. It’s important to emphasize that the Bohra community is, in fact, Muslim and falls within the Shia Islam sect. They adhere to the principles of Islam and believe in Allah.
As per community estimates, there are approximately 1 million Dawoodi Bohras globally. The community has had its leadership based in India for over 400 years, with the current and 53rd leader being His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin.