In a horrifying incident that took place in the capital city of Madhya Pradesh, a pet dog was tragically strangled to death by their trainers. This distressing event garnered significant attention, even making its way onto television news broadcasts. A video capturing the incident has since gone viral on various social media platforms. Upon discovering the untimely demise of his pet, the dog’s owner promptly filed a complaint against the perpetrators, seeking justice for his beloved pet. He has steadfastly refused offers of money and a replacement pet, insisting that nothing less than justice will suffice.
Nikhil Jaiswal, the distraught dog owner, has identified Ravi Kushwaha, along with his associates Tarun Das and Neha, also known as Priya, as the individuals responsible for this heinous act.
A First Information Report (FIR—462/2023) was lodged at the Misrod police station in the Bhopal district on October 17 to initiate legal proceedings in this case. Organiser called the investigating officer, ASI Ashok Sharma, on October 21. He confirmed that the accused had been apprehended but were subsequently released on bail.
ASI Ashok Sharma explained that the accused were taken into custody on October 18. Due to the severity of the charges, which carry a potential sentence of up to 5 years, they were not immediately brought before the court. Instead, they were granted bail after signing a document acknowledging their commitment to attend court proceedings. They are expected to appear in court as required by law.
According to the FIR, they were charged under IPC sections 429 (killing cattle), 201 (destroying evidence), and section 11 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960.
Nikhil, a 22-year-old resident of Kala Peepal in Shajapur, recounted to the police that he had acquired a dog approximately two years ago, investing a substantial amount of Rs 12 to 15 lakhs in his cherished pet, ‘Sultan’.
Upon discovering a training centre on the internet, Jaiswal entrusted his dog to the Dog Training and Boarding Centre located in the Misrod locality on May 1, 2023. The completion of the dog’s training was initially slated for September.
On September 14, when Nikhil reached out to the centre’s director, Ravi Kushwaha, to retrieve his dog, Kushwaha refused, insisting on keeping the dog for a few more days due to incomplete training. Ravi assured Nikhil that he wouldn’t charge any additional fees and would continue training free of charge.
Nikhil disclosed that on October 9, he received an abrupt call from Ravi, informing him that his dog was in distress and that they were attempting to administer CPR at the centre. Despite Nikhil’s urgent request, the individuals present did not transport the dog to a hospital. Upon Nikhil’s arrival from Shajapur later that evening, he received the devastating news that his dog had passed away.
Subsequently, Nikhil requested access to the CCTV footage and discovered that all recordings before 2:30 pm had been intentionally deleted. When Nikhil sought to conduct a post-mortem examination, he was directed to visit the hospital. However, upon arriving at the hospital and finding that the post-mortem was not conducted, he returned home and buried Sultan.
Finished talking to Nikhil Jaiswal whose dog was killed by three trainers in Bhopal. He recovered the CCTV footage & lodged an FIR against the perpetrators.
He says, the police told him, they cannot arrested any of the accused as charges against them are nominal. @MPPoliceDeptt
— Subhi Vishwakarma (@subhi_karma) October 21, 2023
Nikhil promptly reported the incident to the Misrod police on October 11. Following his report, law enforcement officers visited the training centre, seizing the DVR. With the assistance of the cyber cell, data from the DVR was successfully recovered. This revealed that on October 9, at approximately 1:30 pm, Ravi Kushwaha, along with his associates Tarun Das and Neha, also known as Priya Tiwari, had cruelly ended the dog’s life by hanging it from its leash on the boundary gate, as per the police’s findings.
On October 21, the Organiser called Nikhil while he was en route to Bhopal. Nikhil expressed that Sultan, a 2.5-year-old Pakistani Bull, held a special place as a cherished family member. Given Sultan’s foreign breed classification, training was deemed essential, particularly as he belonged to the Alsatian breed category.
Nikhil recounted that his days commenced alongside Sultan, with the two often sharing their sleeping space. Sultan was, without a doubt, the most pampered member of the house. He shared following pictures with Sultan:
Nikhil had acquired Sultan nearly two years prior from a seller in Bhopal, investing Rs 50,000 for the purchase. He spared no expense, providing Sultan with premium imported food. The training centre incurred a monthly fee of Rs 13,000, totalling Rs 75,000 to date.
Regarding the tragic demise of his beloved pet, Nikhil revealed that the postmortem report revealed disturbing details: Sultan’s ribs had been fractured. He lamented that Sultan had suffered abuse, ultimately leading to his untimely demise.
Despite receiving numerous offers of substantial sums of money and the promise of another pet, Nikhil, a businessman, remained resolute. His sole pursuit is justice for his beloved Sultan.
He added, that the accused are accompanied by influential lawyers and spend not a single minute in the police station. He says, he will make sure they get punished for the henious act they have committed.