A fresh row has erupted in Bihar after reports of wide-scale irregularities surfaced during the Police constable recruitment examination (Sipahi Bharti Pariksha) held across the State on October 1. According to the reports, more than 70 solvers have been apprehended from different districts, including Saran, Samastipur, Begusarai, Jamui, and Lakhisarai, while as many as six examinees were held in Patna for allegedly carrying a solved answer sheet to the examination centre.
As per the information received, the question paper pertaining to the constable recruitment examination leaked in advance and was circulated among WhatsApp groups even before the commencement of the second shift of the examination held on October 1 afternoon.
It’s also been claimed by a few that despite informing the Central Selection Board of Constables (CSBC) about the viral answer sheet on time, the board officials did not opt to call off the examination and they did not take concrete action.
Interacting with the media, Amit Tiwari, who runs a coaching institute for police examination, informed that he received an answer key from one of the WhatsApp groups around an hour and a half before the examination, following which he immediately informed the CSBC about that, though much to his surprise no concrete action was initiated to cancel the exam.
देखें वीडियो, सिपाही भर्ती का वायरल पेपर डेढ़ घंटे पहले पहुंच गया था CSBC, चुप बैठा दिये, सबूत दिखा रहे शिक्षक…#BiharPolice #ConstableExam #सिपाही_भर्ती #Bihar #BiharNews #बिहार_न्यूज़ #बिहार #LiveCities pic.twitter.com/pn1xeDdKkc
— Live Cities (@Live_Cities) October 2, 2023
“I called them as soon as I got the information, however, they first tried to put pressure on me by asking for some irrelevant information. Though later when I asserted they called me at the CSBC office. Upon reaching there I submitted as many as five copies of the answer key I received on whatsapp to the Chairman of the board”, said Amit Tiwari.
“I even called them in the evening to know about the steps taken by the board, though they informed me that appropriate action will be taken by senior officials. I also showed them videos of five separate centres where entry was given even after the commencement of the examination. I have all the proofs with me and will soon visit the Economic offence Unit (EOU)”, added a frustrated Amit Tiwari.
Meanwhile lambasting the Nitish Kumar-led Government, senior Bhartiya Janta party (BJP) Vijay Kumar Sinha said the Government is of uncle and nephew (wah re bhai bhatijavad ki sarkar), we are opposing the appointment of S K Singhal from the time he was appointed as the president of CSBC, we have raised serious objections against his appointment, how can an officer like him conduct an examination like this fairly?
सिपाही भर्ती परीक्षा में घोर अनियमितता की जांच कराए सरकार।#Bihar #BiharPolice #भ्रष्टाचार pic.twitter.com/MfIs9Hk0I1
— Vijay Kumar Sinha (@VijayKrSinhaBih) October 2, 2023
“Many solvers have been arrested from different parts of the State including Samastipur, Ara, Arwal, Navada, Lakhisarai. This all happening under this Government, the whole episode should be investigated by a sitting judge. You should not daub this as BPSC. The moment the youth of Bihar would hit the streets against your corruption, it would become difficult for you to rule”, concluded Vijay Kumar Sinha.
Now, after the news pertaining to wide-scale irregularities in the constable recruitment examination started making a buzz on social media, the EOU has also started an enquiry into the matter. It’s been reported that the economic intelligence unit has started the investigation after answer keys were seized from the possession of five candidates arrested from RKD College, Patna.
Taking to Twitter, Bihar police on October 3 informed that the EOU has started an investigation into irregularities and malpractices pertaining to the constable recruitment examination being conducted by the CSBC. So far, a total of 61 FIR have been registered in this matter whose details have been sought by the EOU.
The unit will take over all the cases pertaining to the matter and will conduct a thorough enquiry into it. A special investigation team (SIT) has also been constituted into the matter, and strict punitive action would be taken against those found guilty, informed Bihar Police in a series of tweets.
Notably, earlier, the Bihar Police had also arrested more than five dozen solvers from different regions of the States looking to interfere in the examination through various electronic gadgets.