The core of Sanatan Dharma is the life that everyone wants to live on the planet, the sort of society that everyone wants, the growth of nation, and the “one world, one family” that everyone desires. The question then becomes, why do so few politicians, political parties, and thinkers want to finish which is the path to develop a great individual, a better and more peaceful community and nation, and a world full of cooperation, mutual understanding, and love? How can society condone such an assault on Sanatan Dharma, and why shouldn’t legal action is taken against these forces?
Sanatana dharma is a term used to refer to the “eternal” or absolute set of responsibilities or Dharmic mandated practices that all people, regardless of class, caste, or sect, must follow. The obligations vary according to the text, but in general, sanatana dharma comprises of values such as honesty, refraining from harming living beings, purity, benevolence, mercy, patience, forbearance, self-restraint, generosity, and asceticism. How can anyone consider destroying these aspects?
It is the Set of Principles known as Dharma that Ishwar initiates in each cycle of Creation. However, you do not need a Holy book to comprehend these Dharmic ideas. Herein lies its magnificence. It is the outcome of centuries of profound introspection by several great Rishis of flawless conduct! This is not a one-man show! It’s like a perpetual river that has been magnified by millions of clean water rivulets!
It allows anyone to pursue any way to the ultimate truth or ultimate destination (moksha) by following the path of Nirakar bramha, Sakar Bramha, the non-duality (Advait Siddhant) and Self-realization, among other things. There are no consequences for not worshiping God. You are not required to believe anything blindly. You can inquire, investigate, and believe. In fact, asking questions is encouraged.
Dharma is composed of several essential principles, beginning with the four “legs” of the truth (satya), compassion (daya), cleanliness (saucha), and self-control (tapas). Other principles are extensions of these four essential principles, without which no dharma may exist.
Dharma means Righteousness. How can Eternal Righteousness fall? We, the indolent humans, have failed to grasp the scientific beauty of Sanatana Dharma. It guarantees everyone the right to believe, think, and act freely. It wishes to liberate everyone. It does not divide humanity in God’s name. It doesn’t believe in religious conversion. It does state that it is the single correct answer and that all others are incorrect. It does not push for religious conflict. It does not call for minorities to be persecuted. It accepts atheists. It accepts all Gods and all God ideas. It believes in the concept of unity in diversity. It has an inclusive culture. It is consistent with both faith and science. It enables for reform and evolution. It possesses the ultimate spiritual knowledge capable of liberating humans. It works to promote universal, human, and spiritual principles. As a result, it is best for humanity.
Sanātana Dharma is completely in harmony with modern science
The greatest advances in science were made during Britain’s golden days when Britishers held Bharat in an iron grip. The true Vedic version was analyzed and understood by those Western brains with very little aptitude. As a result, this newfound knowledge of Bharat was appropriately transformed and adapted to fulfill the needs of the Western world. Many of Bharat’s old books were translated into English, German, and other languages and carefully stored in British libraries. Vedas offered names and details to units of energy, elements, materials, power, and their measurements – which are merely the tip of the iceberg in comparison to its ocean of knowledge.
The advancement of science and technology has been the primary reason for the growth of human civilisation. Since ancient times, Bharat has made contributions to science and technology. Even today, what we call “traditional knowledge” is founded on scientific evidence. Bharat’s history of scientific discovery and development extends back to the Vedic period. Sanatan or Hindu forefathers and Sages not only had this vast knowledge on paper, but they also executed many concepts practically on the ground using the best talents and design of the time. We can observe temples, structures, metalwork, architectural elegance, mathematical calculations, surgical practices, and so on.
Why have Bharatiyas created thousands of incredible architecturally stunning temples all over the world? Were they really wealthy to spend their money on this?
Yes, their eternal Sanatan Hindu culture bestowed upon them wisdom, intelligence, hard labor, spirituality, and, most importantly, research in all fields of life in order to make humanity prosperous and peaceful. For thousands of years, their desire for knowledge, manufacturing, and trading propelled them to the world’s largest economy. According to the German philosopher Gottfried von Herder, “Mankind’s origins can be traced back to India, where the human mind received the first shapes of wisdom and virtue.”
From the intricate structure of Harappan villages to the presence of iron pillars in Delhi, it is clear that Bharat’s indigenous technology were very sophisticated. Water supply, traffic flow, natural air conditioning, complicated masonry, and structural engineering were among them. The Indus Valley civilization established the world’s earliest society, complete with planned communities, subterranean drainage, civil sanitation, hydraulic engineering, and air conditioning architecture.
Werner Heisenberg, German Physicist once said…After the conversations about Indian philosophy, some of the ideas of Quantum Physics that had seemed so crazy suddenly made much more sense…
The concept of atoms, molecules, and matter dates back to the Vedic period. Furthermore, astronomy and metaphysics are all detailed in Rig Veda, an ancient Sanatan literature from the Vedic era. According to Rishi Bhaskracharya, a famous Ancient Hindu Astronomer, objects fall on Earth due to the Earth’s Attraction force. As a result of Attraction, the Earth, Planets, Constellations, Moon, and Sun are held in orbit. Sir Isaac Newton rediscovered this phenomena and named it the Law of Gravity some 1200 years later.”
How has the Sanatan way of life aided in the development of a full personality?
Sanatana Dharma is both anadi (there’s no beginning) and a-paurusheya (no human originator). It is characterized by the search for cosmic truth, just as science is defined by the search for physical truth.
One of the most major advantages of leading a Sanatan dharma-centered life is that it improves mental clarity and focus. Individuals can experience more mental clarity, stronger relationships, and enhanced physical health by aligning with their purpose and values, leading to a more fulfilling and tranquil life. Whether you wish to find deeper purpose in your life or live in a more authentic way, dharma can give a beneficial framework for making decisions and navigating the ups and downs of daily life. As per Sanatan, Dharma is essential to personal growth and self-realization. You can have a sense of purpose and direction in life by understanding your dharma and persistently seeking to realize it. You can also live in a way that is true to yourself and in accordance with your innermost values and beliefs. You can obtain a greater grasp of your dharma and incorporate it into your daily life in a meaningful and gratifying way with patience and determination. Dharma entails doing the right thing, being unselfish, and committing to serve others. It can take many forms, like as carrying out one’s professional responsibilities with integrity, volunteering in the community, or simply treating others with love and respect.
Self-awareness as well as focused effort are required for incorporating dharma into daily living. It entails making deliberate decisions that are consistent with our values and moral ideals, as well as constantly reflecting on our actions and reasons. This can help us develop a feeling of purpose and fulfillment in our life.
Sanatana Dharma does not require protection. It must be invigorated; it must be alive in all of us by the way we live. If we don’t do this, protecting it will become a one-man job. This is an excellent time for Sanatana Dharma. This is the only culture that has studied the human mechanism so thoroughly that if correctly presented to the world, it will be the world’s future. Because this is not a belief system, this is the only thing that will appeal to an evolved intellect. This is the science and technology of happiness, of living and of liberation. As a result, Sanatana Dharma is not a thing of the past. It is not our custom. It is our mission!