Guwahati city police on the night of September 20 conducted an operation to bust the Fake Indian Currency Note (FICN) racket active in the city. City police in the operation successfully seized FICN Rs 3.33 lakhs. The currency notes were of Rs 500 denominations. Two raids were conducted. A police team from Jorabat outpost under Basistha police station in Guwahati raided and busted a FICN racket and arrested 3 illegal traders. They have been identified as – Md Abdul Kadir and Samiruddin, both from Lakhimpur district.
Another arrested FICN trader has been identified as Robi Ali Kamrup(Metro) district. The operation was conducted at 14 Mile and Moroktola near the Assam-Meghalaya border. Police also seized 5 mobile phones, 1 ream of paper & burnt remains of FICN. Police sources said that the arrested FICN traders were involved in the printing and circulation of fake currency.
Earlier on August 29, in a successful crackdown against fake Indian currency notes (FICN) racket, Assam Police seized Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN) worth Rs 10 lakhs in Guwahati and arrested two FICN smugglers. Garchuk police station and a Special Operations Group jointly conducted an operation on August 29 morning and arrested notorious FICN smugglers Sariful Islam and Sajjadul Islam and seized the fake notes amounting 10 lakhs in 500 Rupee denomination.
Both the arrested FICN traders are originally from Lakhimpur district in North Assam which has been identified as the hub of FICN and fake gold manufacturing and smuggling.