The three-day coordination meeting concluded today in Pune. Sah Sarkaryavah Dr Manmohan Vaidya gave information in the press conference organised on this occasion. All India Publicity Chief Sunilji Ambekar was also present. The meeting concluded with the speech of respected RSS Sarsanghchalak Dr Mohanji Bhagwat. A total of 246 representatives from 36 different organisations were present in the meeting.
Dr Manmohan Vaidya said that according to our thinking, family is the smallest unit. The role of women is most prominent in the family. Therefore, women should play a leading role in every sector of the society. Women’s activism is increasing in society, which is commendable and in this context, increasing participation of women under the Centenary Scheme of the Sangh was discussed in the meeting.
411 conferences will be organised across the country to increase mutual contact among women. So far, 73 such conferences have been organized in 12 provinces, which have received good response. In which more than 1 lakh 23 thousand women participated. He said that it has been 97 years since the Sangh work started. There are four stages in this journey. Organization, expansion, contact and activity were the three stages. After the birth centenary of Shri Guruji in 2006, the fourth phase started, in which every volunteer is expected to take a pledge to do some work for the progress of the nation.
Regarding other topics discussed in the meeting, he said that efforts to organize the gentleman power in the society and activate it in social work were discussed.In response to a question asked about Sanatana culture, he said that Sanatana Dharma does not mean religion. Sanatan civilization is a spiritual democracy. Those who make statements about Sanatan should first understand the meaning of this word.
In response to the question regarding the names India and Bharat, he said that the name of the country is Bharat, it should remain Bharat. In fact, this has been the popular name since ancient times. The name India is the origin of civilization. Meetings of various Sangh inspired organizations are organized once a year. The organizations participating in this coordination meeting exchange information about their work and experiences, as well as upcoming programs etc.
Dr. Manmohan ji said that the response to Sangh work is increasing across the country. The number of branches of the Sangh is continuously increasing. The number has become more than what it was before Corona. In 2020, there were branches at 38, 913 places in the country, in 2023 this number has increased to 42, 613 i.e. there has been an increase of 9.5 percent. The number of daily branches of the Sangh has increased from 62,491 to 68, 651.
The Sangh has a total of 68, 651 daily branches in the country and 60 per cent of these are student branches. The shakhas of volunteers up to the age of forty years are 30 percent, while the shakhas of volunteers above the age of forty years are 10 percent. Every year, 1 to 1.25 lakh new people are expressing their desire to join through Join RSS on the official website of the Sangh. Most of them are in the age group of 20 to 35 years.