On August 26, Rama Madhav, the RSS’s Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Sadasya, while speaking at the “Jammu Kashmir – Past and Present” ‘Amritashatam Vyakhyanamala’ program, which was put on by the Sangh-inspired Kesari Malayalam monthly. The vast majority of Kashmiris are now content. Protests don’t hold the public’s attention. In general, the State is tranquil and serene. The days of stone pelting at 300 different locations around the State on a single day are long gone. The ‘terrorist life’ of the perpetrators doesn’t continue for more than three months. With the help of QuillBot’s paraphraser, you can rapidly and effectively rework and rephrase your content by taking your sentences and making adjustments!
According to Rama Madhav, the State had no access to movies for a long period of time. But nowadays, even Hollywood movies are popular. The State is currently the finest travel destination in the nation. 80 lakh tourists came to the State last year. The State is expected to reach two crores this year. The entire nation follows the Jammu & Kashmir Panchayathi Raj system. Pandits from Kashmir can live in dignity and safety. With the exception of the properties that were acquired via force, Kashmiri Pandits received their lands back. For them, 7,000 new employment openings have been established. Justice has been started in the cases involving the terrorists’ murders through the implementation of measures.
RSS leader said that Article 370 was illegally inserted into the Constitution. However, on August 5, 2019, the union administration used legal means to repeal this Article. Arguments that the repeal of Article 370 will cause a massacre and riots have previously made headlines. But nothing took place.
Ram Madhav stated that only a portion of the political leadership was impacted by the repeal of the “illegal” Article 370, not the general populace. A Government with the desire may quickly remove a “illegal article.”
The chairman was Col P Prabhakara Kurup, P N Devadas, a former chief commissioner of the income tax, and T V Venugopal, a member of the Hindustan Prakashan Trust, were in attendance. On September 10, there will be a new speech in the series. Dr Sadananda Sapre, a member of Prajna Pravah’s national council, discusses the “Globalisation of Hindutva and RSS Organisations.”
Since its inception, Malabar’s lecture series has attracted the interest of the true intellectual class. They await successive speeches. It has demonstrated that serious topics like nationalism, Hinduism, the Constitution, etc. still hold people’s attention. People are nevertheless curious to learn about the cultural nationalism that nationalist movements are putting a lot of effort into advancing.
This occurs in spite of the communist and Islamist invasion of culture and the steadfast stance taken by the State’s many self-styled cultural leaders, such as poets and intellectuals. According to reports, Dr Mohan Bhagavat, the RSS Sarsaghchalak, is set to give a speech as part of the series. ‘Amrithashatam Vyakhyanamala’ is comparable to ‘Vasantha Vyakhyanamala,’ which takes place in Pune.