The Kishtwar Police arrested the Abdul Karim Butt, who happens to be the brother of a hardcore HM A++ category terrorist named Jahangir Saroori. SSP Kishtwar Khalil Poswal, while divulging the details, said that the detained terrorist associate was previously involved in anti-national activities and accordingly was booked under provisions of the UAPA Act. He is facing trial in the NIA Court, and his current activities are prejudicial to the security of the country. His free movements in society also create circumstances to radicalise youth.
Accordingly, the subject has been detained under PSA and lodged at District Jail Kishtwar.
What is the Public Safety Act?
The Public Safety Act empowers law enforcement agencies to take necessary measures to counter potential security risks and maintain the safety of the community. The Kishtwar Police is committed to upholding the rule of law while ensuring that civil liberties are respected. SSP Kishtwar, Khalil Poswal-JKPS, emphasised that the police force is employing a multi-pronged approach to address the issue of anti-national elements. Alongside organising awareness programmes to educate the public, the police will not hesitate to take stern action against those disrupting peace and harmony.
SSP Poswal-JKPS issued a stern warning to all overground workers (OGWs) and anti-national elements, stating that Kishtwar will not tolerate any activities that threaten the security of our nation. He urged them to return to the path of peace and urged the public to support the police in maintaining a safe and secure environment.