Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on July 28 said that he is determined to make the mantra ‘Vocal for Local’, given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a success in Uttarakhand, according to a statement by the Chief Minister’s office.
The Chief Minister said that “through this initiative, the products produced between the land full of the natural energy of Devbhoomi and pollution-free water-air are getting new recognition at the national and global levels.”
Futher the CM Dhami stated that “due to the increasing demand for these products of Devbhoomi, new employment is being created in the State, which is giving the state’s economy a boost.”
Prime Minister Modi has on various occasions said schemes like ‘Make in India’ or ‘Vocal for Local’ are creating employment and self-employment opportunities in the country.
The “Vocal for Local” campaign aims to revive the Indian economy by promoting and encouraging the use of local products and services made in India.
Notably, the Government of India issued the Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, in 2017 which was amended to encourage “Make in India” and promote manufacturing and production of goods and services in India with a view to enhancing income and employment.