On May 19, 2023, the Indian Army Vice-Chief Lt General Suchindra Kumar will launch an app named “Anuman” in New Delhi, which will provide detailed weather projections to the military personnel deployed at the Line of Actual Control (LAC), especially in the eastern Ladakh Sector.
The “Anuman App” was developed by the National Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF) and the Indian Army after signing an MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) in November 2022.
For collecting observations along the Northern Borders, the Indian Army will support NCMRWF. In future, this body will provide customised products for the Indian Army for higher-resolution weather forecasts which will help troops and other components along the border with China.
According to a senior Indian Army officer, this collaboration is important because these weather inputs are critical for the commanders on the ground and will help them plan and carry out operations.
Regularly, the NCMRWF will share data with the Indian Army Artillery Units to “temper its weapon platforms before firing projectiles through the Earth’s atmosphere.” This will further empower the Artillery units to fire more precisely and accurately.
In January 2023, Indian Army Chief General Manoj Pande announced that 2023 is the year of transformation for the Indian Army. And in this line, the military is focusing on various technology projects to make it battle ready.
The projects include Project Avagat, Project Indra, Battlefield Surveillance System, Situational Awareness Module for the Army, and Situational Reporting Over Enterprise Class GIS Platform (E-Sitrep).
The projects for the army are meant to “reshape and re-engineer” functional processes and bring in a “quantum jump” in force capabilities.
A senior army officer has said that this is a continuous process and it keeps evolving with the technology In fact, to simplify systems and to enhance operational efficiency, several secure automation projects for the army are underway, which will help the army in HR (Human Resource Management), Logistics, Medical Services and other administrative functions.