A class 12 student from Uttar Pradesh, who battled memory loss after a serious road accident, has scored above 90 percent in the CBSE board examinations. Nivedita Chaudhary, 19, beat the odds to score high after losing her father in the 2014 accident, which also left her crippled for life.
After the accident, Nivedita went into a coma, when she woke up she had multiple injuries, the most severe remained the short-term memory loss.
Chaudhary suffered severe head injuries. She was in bed for almost a year, and – nine years down the line – still can’t walk without assistance. But Chaudhary did not compromise on completing her education and, on May 12, the student of Army Public School in Meerut scored 90.4 percent in her class 12 CBSE intermediate exams.
“I want to pursue fashion designing,” said Chaudhary, who needed the assistance of a writer to take the exams.
The 19-year-old credits her mother for her success in the milestone examinations. As Chaudhary battled short-term memory loss after her head injury, her mother Nalini would tell her stories related to her school subjects to help her remember her lessons.
“I took upon myself the mission to restore Nivedita’s life,” says Nalini, who left her job as a teacher to take up an assistant accountant’s job in place of her husband Vishal Chaudhary after his death. The job offered lower pay, but Nalini says she took it up because she needed additional leaves and wanted to be close to her daughter.
Narrating her ordeal Nalini said, ‘She cannot forget the dreadful day when she heard the accident news which took her husband away and left her daughter wrapped in tubes’. Hard work pays off and Nalini’s efforts are quite visible in Nivedita’s success.