Dindigul, Tamil Nadu: A video surfaced on social media in which a Tamil Nadu Government school principal can be seen arguing with a student’s parents over wearing kumkum (holy ash) on the student’s forehead. The incident occurred at Tamil Nadu’s KR Government School near Oddanchatram in Tamil Nadu’s Dindigul District.
திருநீறு பூசவோ குங்குமம் வைக்கவோ கூடாது என தமிழக அரசு அரசாணை உள்ளது என கூறும்
பள்ளி தலைமை ஆசிரியர். pic.twitter.com/R03lYbXCfx— Sevak Sathya – மோடியின் குடும்பம் (@Sevakofmata) February 21, 2023
In the video, the Government school principal argues with the student’s parents over prohibiting children from wearing Hindu marks. The school principal questioned the student, “I only said that there is a government rule not permitting it. Isn’t that what I said? Did I threaten you? Didn’t I say that we’ve received a Government Order not permitting wearing a ‘pottu’ (bindi)? How many times have I told?”
When a person interrupts her to confirm whether the Government Order prohibits explicitly wearing a “pottu,” the school principal replies that the Government Order prohibits wearing pottu and sacred threads.
According to India Today’s report, the State Education Department has denied issuing such stringent Government Order prohibiting students from wearing kumkum, pottu or sacred threads.