The role of Vaani (language) in approaching the consciousness is unique and special there is no alternative way to approach and share consciousness except by approaching it through the Vaani (path/means/medium/conduit/ language…). And, there is no way that one’s behaviour wouldn’t be impacted firstly by the language one listens, learns and speaks and, secondly, by the kind of language one listens, learns and speaks. Here word ‘kind of language’ refers to the culture of the language (instead of the language) a priori.
How the culture of language varies so much in quality of life (taste and choice) from one another and how it impacts the daily behaviour this can be seen from the following example. Abusive or derogatory words, which are so common in other languages mostly targeting female gender are unheard of in Sanskrit language, quite the contrary the culture of Sanskrit language venerates feminine gender with due dignity. The reason behind this uniqueness of Sanskrit lies in its origin. The culture of Sanskrit language emanates from the Indic spiritual vision’s Pujya-Bhaav (priority/worshiping/seeing/knowing/considering/ Valueing/realising) which it has for femininity. We value our bhaav. In the absence of bhaav values cannot find their seat in our heart. And there will be no real peace without the commencement of union of values and bhaav. Femininity is best experienced in motherly instinct, intension and intensity. We address our rashtra also as Bharat Mata. This speaks volumes about our collective/united vision which our ancestors arrived at and we found ourselves voluntarily in agreement to their vision whole heartedly. Rashtra is of supreme importance in our social life. If your own experience/reasoning hasn’t reached to that state of consciousness where you are free from doubt in experiencing the motherly instinct, intention and intensity as described here then you may verify it by going through Upanishad’s metaphysical enquiries, yogic practices/ethics and Ayurvedic principles before you become capable of verifying it through your own experiences. I named these three streams of knowledge chiefly because these are most popular part of Sanskrit literature across the globe. Else this veneration is subtly present throughout the Sanskrit literature unmistakably visible to the discerning eye. In all the aforesaid three places we find unmistakable corollaries which keep instilling sense of veneration for Mother Nature and keep guiding us towards supreme consciousness. The spiritually attained seers alone see the real threads which weave the relationship between values and vaani.
Indic wisdom understands all four levels of vaani incomparably. Need we reiterate that the role of Sanskrit and Sanskriti is of key importance in our incessantly staying as the custodian of supreme consciousness transmitting it from generation to generation through guru disciple relationship?
There are four levels of Vaani as follows. At most cursory level it is known as Baikhari/bhasha(language or common form of communication), at little more subtler level it is known as Maadhyamaa (medium of deeper expression) and, at that level where perception becomes totally free from doubt it is known as Pashyanti (which is state of pure contemplation/experience/observation) and in the fourth state it is known as fourth chaturtha or Para (that’s the stage of transmission of divine essence/pure consciousness/awakening). The values are imbibed by each one of us in accordance with our spiritual attainments as individuals.
Therefore, when values are to be established in human consciousness then language becomes the key component. Upholding values through one’s daily behaviour alone impacts conscious human behaviour in most positive sense than any other internal or external tool does. Thus, we see that the values, language and consciousness are not only inseparably related but all these three are intricately woven and complete.
Culture of every language differs from one another in many ways. But this difference is not the difference which separates, it is the difference which integrates, unites and adds to the diversity, forming a beautiful tapestry varying in colour, weaves and textures due to sthaniiya-shaili (local ways or styles of living life in tune with nature and traditional wisdom) but the fabric is same-supreme consciousness. And, from the time immemorial to the present times if it is anywhere in the world then it is in Bharat-Varsha that the best example of aforesaid diversity and integration is seen in its best form. Indic wisdom understands all four levels of vaani incomparably. Need we reiterate that the role of Sanskrit and Sanskriti is of key importance in our incessantly staying as the custodian of supreme consciousness transmitting it from generation to generation through guru disciple relationship? Yes, there is always need for acknowledging, reiterating and asserting those things which we value the most.
(The Writer is the Propounder of Sahaj Smriti Yog System of Self-Realisation. Founder Darpan Foundation @Bengaluru, Karnataka and Darpan Ashram@ Krishnagiri Tamil Nadu)