Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala ): The ruling CPM’s students’ wing SFI has removed the abusive banner, against Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan, they had displayed at the Government Sanskrit College gate, Thiruvananthapuram. It says, in obscene Malayalam, that “Raj Bhavan does not belong to the Governor’s father”.
As soon as the banner was displayed, Raj Bhavan intervened and sought explanation from the principal. The instruction was sent to Kerala Varsity VC and Varsity Registrar. Then SFI got the “message” and moved into action. They immediately removed the banner.
Observers believe, now SFI realised the mettle of the Governor. Yesterday (November 15), when the ruling LDF led by CPM carried out a protest rally in front of Raj Bhavan, chief minister and his cabinet colleagues abstained. Because, Governor had warned that he would take action if they participated in it.