On Saturday, the Jammu and Kashmir police arrested the Kashmir-based YouTuber, who uploaded an incriminating video on YouTube that showed him beheading an effigy of suspended BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma, news agency ANI reported. Earlier, the YouTuber apologised for the video he created and deleted it from the video-sharing platform. The video went viral on the internet, and several people reported the video to J&K Police urging them to take action against the graphic video.
“Kashmir-based YouTuber Faisal Wani has been arrested. he had uploaded an incriminating video on YouTube which is against public tranquillity and has caused fear and alarm to the public in general. FIR registered u/s 505 and 506 IPC at Safa Kadal Police Station, said J&K Police.
“Yesterday, I made a VFX video about Nupur Sharma which went viral all over India. And an innocent person such as me got implicated in the controversy,” You Tuber Faisal Wani said today in an apology video posted on his channel.
In his apology video, Wani states that he did not intend to hurt the sentiments of other religions. The Youtuber further clarified that he had deleted his original, disturbing video, also posted on his channel and had gone viral.
Earlier this month, BJP suspended Nupur Sharma and expelled Delhi BJP media unit Naveen Jindal over their remarks on the life of Mohammad.
Protests had erupted in several parts of the country against the comments with protests in several cities in Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Jharkhand’s Ranchi and West Bengal’s Howrah and Kolkata among others.