On Friday (May 13), the nation bid farewell to Rahul Bhat, a Kashmiri Pandit who was brutally killed by Pakistan-backed Islamic terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir’s Chadoora on May 12. Bhat, a government employee, was shot at by two Islamic terrorists while he was working at the Tehsildar’s office in the Chadoora village on Thursday evening.
He was laid to rest amid “Rahul Bhat Amar Rahe” and “Pakistan Mudrabaad” chants.
“The nation loving communities should be given security. Security needs to be revamped, bring officials from outside because what is happening is totally wrong,” media quoted one of his relatives as saying.
“These terror attacks are sponsored by Pakistan and until they are not stopped, Kashmiri Pandits should not return. Kashmiri Pandits are oppressed here. They want to eliminate every Hindu from here. Today it is Rahul Bhat, but tomorrow it will be someone else,” he added.
“I strongly condemn the barbaric killing of Rahul Bhat by terrorists at Budgam. Those behind this despicable terror attack will not go unpunished. J-K government stands in solidarity with the bereaved family in this hour of grief”, stated Office of J-K Lt Governor Manoj Sinha on Thursday.