Indian Embassy in Ukraine said the Indian students to carry their passports, sufficient cash, ready to eat meals, easily accessible winter clothing and only essential items to ensure easy mobility.
Kyiv [Ukraine], February 28: Indian Embassy in Ukraine has issued a second advisory for the Indian nationals stranded in Ukraine on Monday and advised them to reach the railway station as the weekend curfew in the city has been lifted.
"Weekend curfew lifted in Kyiv. All students are advised to make their way to the railway station for onward journey to the western parts," said the advisory. It added that Ukraine Railways is putting special trains for evacuations. It urged Indian nationals/students to remain calm, peaceful, and united.
"A large crowd can be expected at the railway stations, therefore, it is advised that all Indian students remain patient, composed and especially not to exhibit aggressive behaviours while at the railway stations," as per the advisory.
It also alerted students of possible delays in trains' schedules, even cancellations at times and long queues. It guided the Indian students to carry their passports, sufficient cash, ready to eat meals, easily accessible winter clothing and only essential items to ensure easy mobility.
"Be mindful of your belongings at all times. Ukrainians, both civilians and authorities, have been remarkably supportive in facilitating evacuation efforts of Indian citizens, especially considering these critical and dangerous times. You are all requested to respect this sentiment," the statement said.
The fifth flight carrying 249 stranded Indian nationals have departed from Romania's Bucharest for Delhi under operation Ganga, informed External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar on Monday. "The fifth #OperationGanga flight, carrying 249 Indian nationals, departed from Bucharest (Romania) for Delhi," Jaishankar said in a tweet.
Amid the ongoing Ukraine-Russia crisis, the Indian Embassy in Kyiv has advised Indian citizens against moving to any border checkpoints without prior coordination with government officials at border posts.
In an advisory to Indian nationals on Saturday, the embassy stressed that the situation at various border checkpoints is sensitive, and it is working continuously with embassies in the neighbouring countries for coordinated evacuation of our citizens.
"All Indian Citizens in Ukraine are advised not to move to any of the border posts without prior coordination with Government of India officials at the border posts and the Emergency numbers of Embassy of India, Kyiv," the advisory read.
"Embassy is finding it increasingly difficult to help the crossing of those Indian nationals who reach border checkpoints without prior intimation," it added.
The embassy further advised Indians to stay in western cities of Ukraine, where access to water, food, accommodation, and basic amenities is relatively safer.
This comes as the Russian military continues to advance in the capital city of Ukraine, according to media reports. Explosions in parts of Kyiv were heard on Friday as Russian forces approached the city, media reports said on Saturday. Videos from eyewitnesses show explosions taking place in the Ukrainian capital city. (ANI)