In preceding piece in this column, we deliberated how acceptance holds and conveys very narrow meaning vis-à-vis sweekaar (swa+aakaar, means that state of seeing when all unit selves are seen by all unit selves as part of the single-absolute-self).
Still, the ones who have realised this firmly that sweekaar (as acceptance) may be seen as a first firm step on the path of realisation they should strive to help all across the globe to evolve in their consciousness at least, to this an extent that all become capable of visualising themselves no less than being in the ‘mode of acceptance’ (sweekaar-bhaav) by transcending all dualities and accepting themselves as they ‘essentially’ are.
Role of syllabus, curriculum and living-role-models is of immense value addition in this endeavour of helping all to attain to the higher consciousness through education in realising that ‘all is/are essentially inseparably connected eternally’.
Success in this endeavour would axiomatically result in perfect social harmony (samarastaa). And, the misleading exclusivist attitude would change into inclusive one.
How inclusivity expands our consciousness this may be understood from the following ‘talisman’ example. I am talking about the ‘Talisman’ which continues to be written on the back cover of quite a few NCERT books titled as ‘Gandhiji’s talisman’. I am assuming that readers are familiar with talisman that’s why I am not quoting its content verbatim. And, I am sure Gandhiji’s aatmaa would agree with me on this, that his talisman is nothing but reiteration and assertion of the sanaatana bhaartiya chintan dhaaraa (eternal Indic wisdom) albeit in an idiom that was relevant in times Gandhiji lived. With due respect to him and humbly acknowledging his source of inspiration, I submit that in today’s changed level of global consciousness the language of talisman should change. Sooner the NCERT realises it better it is. And, purport of new ‘talisman’ would be somewhat like “when one makes a decision one should weigh in one’s heart that how is it going to influence the earth and earthlings.”
As, our strides in geology, meteorology, environmental sciences, climatology, weather forecasts etc. have made it clearer before humanity that our individual choices impact each other and by that token the whole world. Notonly our absolute exclusion is not possible, but even relative exclusion is also not possible beyond a point. For example, carbon footprints left by one process/ activity/ product/service/ indivi dual/community/ country… harm us all, none is spared, irrespective of who created it and who didn’t. The choice to live together is choice-less. And, Indic Spiritual traditions have been saying the same from time immemorial. But, ‘exclusivist-intellectuality’ driven world leaders as well as educators couldn’t comprehend Indic wisdom as, the latter emanates from self-realisation.
Our strides in geology, meteorology, environmental sciences, climatology, weather forecasts have made it clearer before humanity that our individual choices impact each other and by that token the whole world
While tools of intellect are beliefs, concepts, imaginations and ideations etc. (not realisation). Now, researches and findings coming from various material sciences (avidyas) have also corroborated the disastrous results and falsity of exclusivity that Indic wisdom has been warning since eons. At least now, intellectuals as well as educators across the globe should acknowledgeand assert this as reality. As, their acts of acknowledging, asserting and reiterating will pave the way for preparing the truthful narrative for the whole humanity.
Vaingloriously raising the flag of separatist and exclusivist mind-set doesn’t bode well for earthlings. The oneness of reality and reality of oneness, which Indic spiritual scientists (seers) have been manifesting through their person (lives/characters) since eons now, material sciences have also established trueness of the same oneness/inseparability of all happening in the universe. We are destined to respect inherent human dignity and dignity of life. Wholehearted acceptance is the way forward.
Intellectually understanding it or making others understand is necessary but, it is not sufficient as, sense (bhaav) of acceptance/ trust/inclusivity (swa+aakaar) originates from the realisation of reality. But, can it be understood intellectually before realising it spiritually!
If something comes closer to acceptance intellectually, it is responsiveness, it is character, it is openness and, it is certainly not being prejudiced. That’s the acceptance mentioned at the outset in this piece.
Therefore, when all evolve to choose, to live as realised beings then, global society would be metamorphosed into beautiful splash of collective wisdom. And, all unnecessarily hyped imaginary theories (such as ‘clash of civilisations’) would be relegated to their rightful space namely, fiction. Getting carried away by any such fictions wouldn’t attract any of us when we find ou selves realised/empowered enough to choose to shape world history instead of fitting ourselves in one or the other theory of world history.
(Writer is the propounder of Sahaj Smriti Yog System of Self-Realisation. Founder Darpan Foundation @Bengaluru, Karnataka and Darpan Ashram@ Krishnagiri Tamil Nadu)