Gautam Buddha Nagar: Police lodged an FIR against unidentified people for painting black a plaque installed below the statue of King Mihir Bhoj at a college in Greater Noida on Tuesday (September 28).
The incident took place in the Dadri Police station area. A video of the act has gone viral on social media. Police have started an investigation into the matter.
"An FIR registered against miscreants for painting a plaque black. It was installed below the statue of King Mihir Bhoj at a local college. The complaint was filed by Gurjar Vidhya Sabha. We have taken cognisance of a viral video of the incident," said Vishal Pandey, Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police, Gautam Buddha Nagar.
Gautam Buddha Nagar Police is identifying the culprits by analysing the video. The investigation is underway.
Courtesy: ANI