The Delhi High Court Friday dismissed a petition filed by Bollywood actor Juhi Chawla against the rollout of 5G in the country.
Considering the link of the virtual hearing was shared by the actor on her instagram page, the court said the petition was filed for publicity.
It imposed a fine of INR 20 lakhs on the petitioners.
It said, “Plaintiffs abused the process of law. Costs of Rs 20 lakh is imposed on plaintiffs.”
It added “No case made out for leave to institute suit (under Section 80).. or to sue in representative capacity. Plaint is defective and not maintainable.”
The court hearing was disrupted when some anonymous person started singing old Bollywood songs featuring Juhi Chawla.
The court directed the Delhi Police to identify the person and book him for disrupting the court proceedings.
Before the hearing started, Chawla had shared the link of the virtual hearing on her social media accounts inviting people to join the hearing.