Pune: Under the Samarth Bharat Scheme implemented by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a COVID Care Centre was opened at Baya Karve hostel, Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha in Karvenagar. The Centre opened in coordination with Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) and Jankalyan Samiti Vivek Vyaspeeth, will have 450 beds.
Here, asymptomatic patients who have tested positive but do not have a place for home quarantine will be given entry. One room will have three patients. The patients here will get tea, breakfast, two meals and medicines free of cost. Eight trained doctors and 25 trained members will be available round the clock.
The patient can stay in the quarantine home from 10 to 12 days as per the medical advice. In case of any emergency, the patient can be shifted to the hospital with help from the civic body. A team of medical experts from Sahyadri Hospital will be taking care of the patients. Counselling too will be provided, said RSS, Pune city executive Mahesh Karpe Pune platform for COVID Response, Sahyadri Hospital, Lohia family’s Mukund Bhavan Trust, Laxminarayan Devesthan Trust, Parimal and Pramod Chaudhary Foundation, Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Sanstha has helped the Centre.