Uttar Pradesh has now become the second-largest economy in the country by clocking Rs 19.48 lakh crore of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP). It has surpassed industrial states such as Gujarat, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.
The finance department data shows that the state’s GSDP in 2020-2021 crossed the USD 268 billion mark making the state climbing three ranks to figure at number 2 position in 2020-21 from number 5 in 2019-2020. UP moved to number two followed by Tamil Nadu with GSDP Rs 19.2 lakh crore, Karnataka Rs 18.03 lakh crore, and Gujarat Rs 17.4 lakh crore at number 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
“Our state has been making rapid strides in industry and economy under the able leadership of CM Yogi Adithanath, who has ensured an industry-friendly eco-system in the state as a result of which the UP had achieved second position among all states in the ease of doing business in a short span,” said MSME and Export-Promotion minister Sidharth Nath Singh.
Be it the ease of doing business wherein UP clinched the second position in the country. In the distribution of Kisan Samman Nidhi it was adjudged the best-performing state in the country, leaving an impact at the national level.