US has lost its moral sheen while the Communist China is inherently weak. By building on its age-old wisdom and using societal cohesion as an antidote to the apparent chaos of socio-politico-technological disruptions, India can guide the world to a better place
-Dr Shekhar Patel
Hundreds of Trump supporters stormed Capitol Hill building amid a session of Congress to certify Joe Biden’s election win, triggering unprecedented chaos and violence at the heart of American democracy
Francis Danial Pastorius, the founder of German Town, the first German settlement in the Pennsylvania state of USA, wrote – “…They (the Native Americans) strive after a sincere honesty, hold strictly to their promises, cheat or injure no one. They willingly give shelter to others and are both useful and loyal to their guests…” In the year 1700,Pastorius was essentially describing the Dharmic traits of the Native people whom his European colleagues referred to as Savages.
After hundreds of years of assault, suppression, exploitation, and misrepresentation, the Native Americans have paled into American life’s background. As some Native Americans say – “the white man came and indoctrinated our people with the vices he brought”. Some Native Americans see all those vices in President Donald Trump. Just like the rest of America, now some support the President while most “hate” him. Native Americans feel that they seem to have time-traveled to the past when American Presidents would routinely indulge in mass genocides and snatching of lands of Native Americans and later sell the story to the American masses that they were fighting for America.
While for a long time, it was obvious that President Trump was in it for only himself, a significant majority of Americans did give him the benefit of doubt. They reasoned that he was like themselves. His personal flaws were just like themselves, and after all, he is a human. Even mighty churches with significant following gave moral authority to him as their leader. Americans had a strong belief in President Trump that he is indeed going to make America great again. That he will punish China and reduce the trade deficit, will bring back jobs, the economy will continue to roar into the future like never before. But after the loss in the 2020 elections, when it came to prioritising America’s interest over self-interest, he failed miserably. He has irreparably damaged his legacy and hurt his followers. In the process, he hurt America and its democratic institutions. America’s status on the world stage has also been diminished to the extent that the moral authority and past glory may be impossible to bring back.
So, what happens to the world order that was carefully built around America’s leadership? President-elect Joe Biden has promised that he will bring back America to the world stage and re-establish the world’s trust in America by working closely with its allies. Unfortunately for Joe Biden, technological advances in social media have exposed the inherent flaws in American society. In the past, oppression in weak and less powerful countries would receive significant global publicity. In contrast, no global forum would discuss oppression and human rights violations in developed countries. The assumption would be that developed countries have institutional mechanisms to work and solve social justice issues. Due torampant racism at all levels in America, the African-American and Native-American issues have remained under the radar for decades. They have been ignored by the democratic institutions that were supposed to fix the problems. With President Trump at the helm, these issues have now boiled over. President-elect Joe Biden has now promised to correct the past injustices. But will he be able to do it?
Donald Trump tapped into a deep-seated emotion within Americans to win at all costs. Losing is not an option in American society. This phenomenon of always winning is not an accident
The root cause of problems facing America is not due to isolated flaws of certain individuals or flaws of certain institutions. The problem originates from American society and its value system. It is the unwillingness of American citizens to be in peace that guides its leaders and its institutions. Leaders interact with the masses and vice-versa, and they feed off each other to either achieve peace or instability. Throughout American history, a trait Americans exhibit – to not be in peace with self and surroundings, has driven America to do great things or miserable things.
On April 2, 2017, Financial Times published President Trump’s remarks – “without Twitter, I would not be here”. It essentially acknowledges the fact that technology has enabled leaders to evoke certain emotions in the electorate. And if American society continues to be motivated by personal greed and seeking anything other than peace with each other, it will continue to lead to future leaders that will make President Trump look benign. President Trump wanted to “WIN”! “WIN BIG”! “Always WIN”! Cannot loose! Cannot be a “LOSER”! He tapped into a deep-seated emotion within Americans to win at all costs. Losing is not an option in American society. This phenomenon of always winning is not an accident.
Colonial America was built by Europeans who were steeped in centuries-old rivalries among themselves. Always at war with each other for centuries. These rivalries helped them discover the “treasures” of colonising other free people outside of Europe and made them rich and advanced. The mentality of rivalry and the accompanying value system remains intact in America andis again resurgent in Europe. However, now with technology-enabled transparency, the world is also getting an unedited preview of Western economies’ realities.
China unleashed a brutal crackdown on Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters
Under such circumstances, opportunist Communist China and other authoritarian regimes across the globe, who were pressured by America, are bound to challenge America and its allies in international forums on human rights, equality, and other values embraced by the West after World War-II. A few decades ago, the inherent flaws in the American system were not visible. American institutions were able to shove them under the carpet with the hopes that they will go away or be solved later. There was no public acknowledgment of racism and inequality. At the same time, Americans held other countries accountablewith a higher standard, made others cringe, and in some cases did help them improve as well. But now, the American underbelly seems to be exposed. To truly change America from the inside, and considering the scale of issues, it will take decades, if not centuries. Thus, it will never be able to reclaim its morally superior place in the world order as President-elect Joe Biden hopes.
Besides, a vast population within the United States has abandoned the idea of engaging with international institutions and trying to shape the world order. The end of World War-II gave American intellectuals a scarce opportunity to shape domestic and international institutional frameworks top-down. The masses were “educated” to believe that this framework was necessary for America to succeed and lead in the new world order. President-elect Joe Bidenhopes to go back to this antiquated framework to reclaim the seat at the head of the table. Unfortunately, he will find the table empty and find that post-Trumpian American domestic politics will make his position untenable.
Now, the world seems to be in disarray. Communist China is flexing its muscles. It is forecast that China will be the most dominant and largest economy in the world by 2028. Thus, other countries will have to concedesome significant ground to China – maybe even crown it the most influential nation on the Earth. However, for multiple reasons known to everyone, just like all communist countries, China has significant flaws and is inherently fragile. It may survive decades in its current state but can also unravel any minute. The human spirit loves freedom, and no one knows when Chinese citizens will choose their rightful destiny of freedom from the communist system of governance. China will only be able to play a short-term role in shaping the new world order.But it is challenging to see a world order,based on transparency, led by Chinese communists.
India has to equip itself to lead the world by building on its strengths and age-old wisdom
A third viable option for a future world order is to create space for a Dharmicvalue system that could pursue universal-wellbeing in harmony with Nature. A strong candidate country for championing such a world order is India in partnership with certain developed and developing countries. However, it may take India another 20-30 years to get ready to play this role. Unlike America, which found it selves in a unique position to lead the world after World War-II, India will not get this leadership role on a platter. India will have to work towards it by first getting its domestic issues resolved. There cannot be any place for hypocrisy, which currently plagues the West. The entire nation will have to do penance by eliminating vices that afflict it.
President-elect Joe Biden hopes to go back to this antiquated framework to reclaim the seat at the head of the table. Unfortunately, he will find the table empty and find that post-Trumpian American domestic politics will make his position untenable
One very critical lesson that can be learned from the American experience is to try to eliminate “labels.” Society is a complex living system. Its intentions, aspirations, challenges, and emotions cannot be dumbed down with labels such as Left, Right, Nationalist, Fascist, Socialist, Communalist, etc. These religious and non-religious labels are excellent weapons of mass destruction in societies where rivalry is promoted, and winning is priced. Theselabels in the current context minimise or undermine the contribution of individuals to society. With one brush, they taint a person and bias a genuine debate with a negative outcome. One should acknowledge that every human is different and cannot be grouped with others by simplistic labels. Once aperson is “labeled,” especially if he is a leader, he becomes the cause of polarisation of the entire society. Polarisation is a disease that destroys nations.
India can build on its elders’ wisdom and wise seers and use societal cohesion as an antidote to the apparent chaos of socio-politico-technological disruptions to guide the world to a better place. A world order, built bottoms-up, with universal-wellbeing at its core, will be the most just and aligned with all living beings’ aspirations.
(The writer is president, International Center for Cultural Studies, USA)