The Vishwa Hindu Parishad said that Rahul Gandhi’s conspiracy to defame Bajrang Dal, under cover of false accusations published in the Wall Street Journals, has expressed his mindset. VHP secretary general Shri Milind Parande said that nationalist organisation like Bajrang Dal is evidently poking in the eyes of Rahul Gandhi, who has been proactively standing by and standing up with lots of anti-national elements including pro-China and pro-Pakistan Tukde-Tukde gang, and the anti-CAA hordes and hooligans and the Delhi rioters advocating their m constitutional and anti-national stances. His affiliations and rapport with China is well known. He would believe in an American newspaper but, not in a Pan-Bharat nationalist youth organisation.
The VHP Secretary-General also asked the Wall Street Journal to apologise for its false reporting. He said that the Wall Street Journal tried to target and discredit Bharat under the pretext of maligning Bajrang Dal, it’s totally unacceptable.
He said that the earlier media reports, quoted from Wiki-Leaks, make it clear that Mrs Sonia Gandhi had also been hatching quite a lot of conspiracies to ban the Bajrang Dal, but she could not succeed. Incidentally, the Facebook has clarified that there is no reason to block Bajrang Dal on Facebook. This reflects their m hostile anti-Hindu mindset. Shri Milind Parande said that now Rahul Gandhi and Wall Street Journal should apologise to the Bajrang Dal and the Hindu society that forms 1/6th of the global population.