A US-based imam has said that the Syrian refugee crisis was part of a ‘divine design to bring Muslims to Europe, where he said they are reviving Islam’. Dr. Yousef Fadi Kablawi, the imam at Masjid As-Sunnah An-Nabawiyyah in North Miami, dismissed the claim that Islam was in danger and argued that France, Christianity, Catholicism and atheism are in crisis. Addressing French President Emmanuel Macron “the son of an infidel woman” and “dog of France”, the radical imam said: “To the French dog – Macron, take it from me. It is not Islam that lives in a crisis, it is your religion, your Christianity, your Catholicism, your kufr and your disbelief, and your atheism that lives in a crisis.”
According to the imam, France is facing a moral crisis. “60% of French children are born out of wedlock, this will lead to incest,” he added. France people want to be gay and want to change their sex.
Addressing the faithful, Dr. Kablawi said democracy is a form of disbelief, and hence forbidden for Muslims. He added that the Quran is stronger than France or any of Macron’s plots against Islam.