Entire country and parts of the world reverberated with the chants of Jai Shri Ram as the foundation stone laying ceremony went underway in Ayodhya. The ceremony attended by PM Narendra Modi, RSS Sarsanghachalak, UP CM Yogi Adityanath, many sadhus, sants and host of other dignitaries was watched by millions of people all over the world. However, the usual suspects who abhor anything that is Hindu resorted to the same old tactics of shaming the ceremony, the to be constructed Ram Mandir and even the SC Judgement.
While some were whining about the Babri Mosque, some cried about the erasure of India’s syncretic culture. While some the Hinduphobic journalists called it a shame, some hollered that this is not the country they recognise anymore.
Sagarika Ghose had a problem with the date chosen for the ceremony. She tweeted that Ram Mandir is being built after demolishing a mosque and the Bhumi Pujan date is same as the day Kashmir was split into UTs. She then quoted a editor Prabhas Joshi: Yeh toh Raghukul Nahin.
Anti-Hindu journalist of the far Left portal The Wire Arfa Khanum Sherwani couldnt recognise the country anymore. “Is this the country my ancestors fought for?” she questioned forgetting that it was her ‘ancestors’ who demolished the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya.
Another Secular Journo know for peddling fake news Swati Chaturvedi played a astrologer and said that in 2019 when PM Modi returned to power she had predicted in her column that ‘this would be the term of the Sangh wish list’. “Two done. Next uniform civil code”, she wrote on Twitter.
Infamous for his boxing bout with a commoner at Madison Square, Rajdeep Sardesai wrote that it was time for introspection and not celebration. “Build a mandir but who will build a better, more harmonious India”, he tweeted forgetting that Narendra Modi’s tenure as PM has seen the least number of communal clashes or incidents that disturb social harmony. Not that facts ever mattered to our liberals and intellectuals.
While Prashanth Bhushan rued about the ‘erasure of India’s syncretic culture’, uncouth and abusive journalist Nikhil Wagle wondered what are people celebrating. “Death of a secular nation”, he tweeted without elaborating if erecting a mosque by destroying a temple was secular enough.
Hinduphobic and pro-Islamist news peddler Rana Ayyub called the ceremony a collective shame while self-proclaimed intellectual and ironically named Ram Guha quoted another anti-India activist Harsh Mandar to question “With the Ayodhya ceremony, has the inclusive India of my dreams been lost forever?”
Another Hinduphobic, anti-Modi and secular journalist Hartosh Singh Bal seemed to blame the Congress for the developments over Ram Mandir as he questioned “neither will the Cong die nor will it let alternatives grow”, in an apparent reference to the weak opposition parties in the country.
Another secular activist complained against the live telecast of the ceremony saying that Indian PM comes across as a Hindu king with the broadcast of every single minute. Another Islamist in secular cloak rued that destruction of the Mosque in Ayodhya was a crime against India and will always remain a crime. But he did not clarify if he disagrees with the Supreme court too or the actions of Mughal Emperor Babur.
The most confused liberal was the pro-Congress journalist Harinder Baweja who for the lack of words and forcing herself to opine on the ceremony wrote ‘Cry my beloved, pluralistic India’ without elaborating on who would cry when the entire country was celebrating and in a jubilant mood.