Ever since the Ram Janmabhumi verdict was delivered by the Supreme Court, forces within and outside of the country are out to discredit the verdict and tarnish the image of India. In one such attempt, a fake letter attributed to PM Modi and addressed to CJI is doing rounds. Though the origin of the letter is yet unknown, it has come to notice that the letter is doing rounds on social media in Bangladesh. High Commission in Bangladesh has issued Press Release slamming the fake news letter being spread with an intention to mislead people in Bangladesh and create disharmony.
Press release by Indian High Commission in Bangladesh
The fake letter claims PM Narendra Modi wrote to CJI and congratulates him and other judges for “stupendous contribution to Hindu Rashtra”. The letter further says that “Hindus will always be grateful to you and your team for your commendable and memorable decision, which will make a new history for Hindu Rashtra.” The letter which carries the PM’s official letterhead, has a fake signature of the PM as is evident from the image. Fact-check portal BoomLive has also exposed the letter as fake, while comparing the writing style and signature of the PM.
The MEA has also issued a statement in this regard and says that it strongly condemns those responsible for deliberately spreading such fake and malicious news, to divide communities, create disharmony and undermine friendship between the people of India and Bangladesh.
Though the purported letter is doing rounds in Bangladesh, many social media accounts from Pakistan are spreading the same giving hints about the origin of the letter.
PM Modi addressed the nation post the Ram Janmabhumi verdict and appealed to people not to see the verdict as a victory or loss for anyone. He also said that the day’s message was to unify, come together and live together. In a series of tweets on the same day, PM had said that it is imperative that we strengthen the spirit of Rashtra Bhakti.