Cleaning Ganga
Referring to the interview of Union minister for Road Transaport and Ganga Rejuvenation Nitin Gadkari carried in Organiser dated May 27, 2018, it is very heartening to read when the union minister says”,I will clean the Ganga about 70-80 per cent by March 2019. We have started 11 projects for it in Patna, seven in Kanpur and three in Varanasi. We are also working on some other projects in other cities. We are identifying the drains falling into the Ganga. We are planning to produce methane from that sewage water. It will help us run 5,000 pollution-free buses from that. We are also entering into an agreement with Indian Oil for Ganga.” It is very disturbing to see the river Ganga getting so polluted over the years, though the river has been a symbol of national pride.
– Madhusudan Singh, Nashik