Foul-and-loud-mouthed Azam Khan
The foul-and-loud-mouthed minister of Akhilesh Yadav Cabinet, Azam Khan has once again opened his mouth only to put his foot into it. He has said that the statues of Dr Ambedkar exhort illegal land grabbing; the raised right arm points towards property to be occupied unlawfully. Well, the minister might do well to know something about the great Babasaheb: How painstakingly he stuck to utter honesty and probity in matters of property. In 1951, he resigned from Nehru's Cabinet. The very next day, he left the official residence allotted to him as a minister at 1, Tilak Marg (then called Hardinge Avenue) and moved into a rented accommodation at 26, Alipur Road, a place he occupied until his death on December 6, 1956. Compare this conduct with politicians nowadays. Azam Khan's own netaji and many other former chief ministers of Uttar Pradesh continue to occupy the posh bungalows allotted to them as CMs in Lucknow even after the Supreme Court asked them to vacate. The Uttar Pradesh Legislature passed a new law circumventing the Suprem Court’s ruling to enable these worthies to continue enjoying their accommodations. Further, Azam Khan would do well to remember what Mulayam Singh and Shiv Pal Singh have been saying time and again, that many Samajwadi Party leaders are engaged in illegal land-and-property grabbing throughout the State. They have lamented that this would prove to be the undoing of the ‘good work’ put in by Akhilesh Yadav. One wonders as to why they lament. Why not throw out such criminal elements from the party and put them behind bars ? But there is a hitch here. Shiv Pal was himself shielding those who occupied Jawahar Bagh at Mathura for well over two years until the orders of the Allahabad High Court for their eviction arrived. Maajhi jo naav duboye, usey kaun bachaye (Who will save a boat sunk by the boatman himself?).
AJAY MITTAL, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
The Contributors (The Community of Titans, July 10); This refers to article titled ‘The Community of Titans’ by K Aayushi in Organiser giving description of Parsis, who came from Persia/Iran as refugees about 1,000 years ago, due to prosecution by the Muslims. Teachings of Islam makes one a savage, and exactly this has been the behaviour of Muslim invaders throughout the world. Wherever they went they indulged in loot, destruction, rape, abduction of girls and women and mass slaughter of civil population including small children and even babies. Credit goes to the Hindus,that they have been giving shelter to all such refugees who were prosecuted by invaders. It is worth noting that Parsi civilisation being pre-Islamic, has so many similarities with Hindu culture. Parsis deserve all possible protection of their culture and way of life and worship. Whenever somebody talks of minority community, Muslims come into picture. This is bad. Muslims are not minority, but invaders, who live in Bharat, but have their loyalty and emotions with Pakistan, Arab nations and the Muslim world. After creation of Pakistan as their exclusive homeland they have no claim over truncated Bharat, but the pity is that they have been given more rights and privileges by Gandhi and Nehru. In fact Parsis are the only genuine minority in our country who have made lot of contributions in the development of the country and thus are true nationalists. |
Kejriwal’s Sickening Behaviour
It is sickening to see that Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has been displaying a mindset of a street fighter, lacking in dignity, propriety and discretion. Kejriwal’s repeated cheap, crude attack on Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and Lieutenant Governor of Delhi Najeeb Jung, signify that he has not grown into maturity and responsibility. Lt. Governor has rightly refuted Kejriwal’s charges that he had cancelled the Aam Aadmi Party Government’s order to make discoms to pay compensation to consumers for unscheduled power cuts. The Governor has reminded Kejriwal of the Delhi High Court’s recent verdict cutting the Chief Minister and his Government to its size. That seems to have provoked Kejriwal to resort to his familiar loose tongue, accusing the Prime Minister of being hand-in-glove with power companies. Does such a man even deserve to remain in power anymore?
M RATAN, Via email
Synonym of Intellectualism: Oppose Modi
(Nation for ‘Naysayers’, August 21); This refers to the cover story of Organiser titled ‘Nation for ‘Naysayers’. Here I would like to say that the book N On Nationalism by Romila Thapar, A G Noorani and Sadanand Menon re-interprets nationalism as per ideological convenience. It is unfortunate that the so-called intellectuals neither have intellectual honesty nor they have ethics to accept things as they are. Many intellectuals, who talk high in the name of freedom of press, neither know the value of freedom nor understood the concept of nationalism. For them intellectual means opposing Modi and opposing right wing forces. If anyone talks of rights of Hindus, they are branded as anti-secularists or branded as rightists. They have failed to understand that Indian remained secular because of Hindus, whose open mindedness and welcoming thoughts from all directions are responsible for secularism. Those who talk of intellectualism and freedom kept their mouth shut when Kashmir Pandits were thrown out. The minorities are ordered to
line-up during election time and are forced to vote for a particular party. The Muslim leaders issue fatwa even while offering prayers. Is this secularism? The intellectuals don’t find anything wrong in these matters. Opposing Hindus and Hinduism is considered as rationalism and intellectualism. Let us beware of such pseudo intellectuals, who are dangerous for the entire country.
A Timely Visit
The recent state visit of the Myanmarese President U Htin Kyaw to India as his first foreign tour after becoming President, must be treated as an important opportunity for cementing ties and exploring new avenues of engagement. The timing of the visit is good for both New Delhi and Naypyidaw when the former is trying to rein in on the ultras of the North-East and the latter is just gearing up for the national reconciliation and peace process for bringing the three rebel groups under the 21st century Panglong Conference. Besides the recent visit of external Affairs Minister Smt Sushma Swaraj to Mayanmar which was the first high level official tour after the NLD Government came to power would definitely bring positive results.
VINOD SHARMA, Panki, Kanpur
Leadership crisis in Congress
The situation in Congress today is that the party has become leaderless. Every leader thinks himself to be wise and a worthy voice of the party. But another man who thinks himself to be wiser over rides him . Finally the spokesperson makes a copy-paste of his time old answer. The supposed leaders are in silent mode or ill and confined to bed. One should hope that this cacophony ends soon and the nation gets rid of the grand old party. Then only we can return to a state of civilisational coherence, instead of the divide – and –rule civilisation that the Congress propagates.
Scramjet Engine: A boost for Space Technology
The successful testing of Dual Mode Ramjet(DMRJ) engine , the technology designed to deliver supersonic and hypersonic speeds, is yet another feature in the cap of the Indian Space Research Organisation. Unlike the expensive expendable platforms like the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, the scramjet engine premised on the idea of air breathing to lessen the amount of oxidiser to be carried with the fuel, will strengthen ISRO’s idea of developing a reusable concept vehicle launch platform —the Avatar. For every rupee spent ISRO has given more than two in return and made India a contender in the quest for beyond. It is time the politicians opposed to the Government’s investment in space intercontinental transportation stop juxtaposing such high return yielding research projects.