Vol. V, No. 28 Falgun 30, 2008, February 25, 1952 Four Annas – Air-/4/6 |
(From our political Correspondent)
The Mission of the Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh the task of consolidation and revitalisation of the Hindu Samaj and Hindu Rashtra in this ancient land still remains to be completed. It still demads our time, energy and sacrifice” declared Shri MS Golwalkar, Sar Sangh Chalak of the Rashtriya Sewak Sangh, addressing a gathering of more than 300 RSS workers of Punjab, PEPSU and Delhi who met for their annual camp at Ludhiana on the 16th and 17th of February.
Some People he added, dub the name Hindu as Communal. Other question its origin. But they forget that this word Hindu has played a part in our national life and has a history behind it which can still inspire the nation to great acts of heroism and national service. It was the name Hindu which served as inspiration for Shivaji who built up Hindu Swaraja in Mahratta in face of the bitterest opposition of Muslims and prepared the ground for the ultimate destruction of Moghal Empire. It was this Hindu Samaj for which Guru Nanak worked all his life and for which Guru Govind Singhji sacrificed his all. Guru Govind Singhji created the Sikh Panth, the Khalsa (the pure) to defend this very Hindu Samaj. Any one who considers Sikhs to be quite distinct from the Hindu Samaj in fact does not follow the Gurus. No true Sikhs can cut himself apart from the Hindu Samaj.
“Hindu” many not be the original name of our Samaj and Rashtra. Like the Ganga which is called Gangotri, Bhagirathi, Jahnvi and Hoogly as well, a person or people may have different names at different stages of life. But what is important for us to know is that the name Hindu has been associated with us for so long now that it has become a source of inspiration for our people.
Roll of RSS
Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh has not come into existence to satisfy the whims of any person or persons. It aims at supplying a remedy to what it considers to be the basic ill of the Hindu Samaj. Like a good physician who prescribes his medicines unmindful of the likes or dislikes of his patient, the Jan Sangh is out to apply its remedy to cure the Hindu Samaj even rhough… some people resent or dislike its prescription. Some people, he continued feel that the Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh is no longer needed, they argue that the two problems-the problem of getting rid of the British and the problem of Muslim danger-which made the people feel the necessity and utility of RSS in the pre-independence days do not now exist and therefore RSS is no longer needed.
Dangers Ahead
But such people, Shri Guruji pointed out, take a very superficial view of things. Even these dangers from the British and the Muslims have not yet disappeared. The British even though they have withdrawn from Bharat as a political power, still maintain their iron grip like the bite of the bull-dog on the economy of India. They still control our oil fields and other vital industries. By deciding to remain within the Common wealth, the congress leaders have perpetuated the British hold on the country in the political sense as well. The Muslim danger is also still there. It has rather become aggravated. The Muslims within Bharat continue to do the mischief. They are now backed by the organized and ever increasing military force of Pakistan. They are preparing for the day to strike for converting the rest of Bharat into another Pakistan. The disturbance in UP and Bihar in 1949 when Bengal trouble was brewing were concentrated in the areas which Mr Jinnah wanted to be included in his corridor linking West Pakistan and East Pakistan. These are the dangers which no thinking man can ignore or overlook.
The Communist menace
A new and great danger in the form of Communist menace from within and outside has also come to the surface in the recent past. The Communists have been encouraging separatist tendencies in all part of the country. Jammu and Kashmir State under its present masters is planning to become completely independent of Bharat. The Communist sponsored liberation armies are active in Assam and Nepal. Separatist tendencies are taking root in the South as well.
Bharat cannot shut her eyes to these dangers to her very existence. The people will have to meet them some day. They present a problem much more terrible and dangerous than the problem of food itself.