Vol. IV, No. 11 7 Kartik 2007, October 23 1950, Annas Four – Air Mail-/4/6 |
Rise and fall of nations is governed as much, if not more, by the attitude of their nationals cowards the struggles and problems of life as by their military preparation and strength. Atmosphere of self confidence and high spirits and morale of the people are a greater asset to a nation both in peace and war than anything else conceivable. It is why the modern leaders of men and thought lay great emphasis on a planned propaganda at home and abroad to boost or damp the spirits of the people as demanded by national interests particularly in times of war. That explains tha slogan “V for victory” which the Allies popularized during the second World War. This slogan created an atmosphere of victory in the Allied ranks both at home and on the battle front and thereby contributed materially towards their ultimate victory.
The Bharatiya sages and statesmen of the past realized the importance of spirit of self-confidence, mental alertness and strength of heart in the affairs of men long ago when the science of psychology as developed by the Western scientists was yet unknown. They have bequeathed price-less ‘aides’ to spirit in the form of sermons, stories and noble examples to e emulated by the later generations. Ramayana and Mahabharata—the two great epics of Bharat—are store houses of all these and something more—our Dharma. The life story—Lila—of Shri Rama which is enacted in every village and town of Bharat during the nine Navratras followed by the celebrations of his victory over Rawana on the tenth day—Vijaya Dashmi—has been the most efficacious spirit booster in our country for the last thousands of years. It comes every year to din the Vedic message that ‘Kshatra Tej’—martial spirit—is as necessary for success in life of an individual as of the nation as the spirit of yajna—and renunciation that characterize the life of a Brahmin—the Brahm Tej—in the ears of the sons and daughters of Bharat. Both of these must be developed side by side to make our life harmonious and successful.
Vijaya Dashmi also reminds Bharatiyas that not always bad. Nay there are occasions when its use becomes our duty, our Dharma Might of course is not always right. But right too without might fails to carry the day. Even a righteous cause needs the support of might for its success. Shri Ram, according to Bharatiya tradition, was an incarnation of God himself. His cause was right. Still he did not succeed against Rawana, the unrighteous, without a mighty military effort. He thereby taught to the Bharatiya people never to ignore strength. We must have force and strength. But we must use it for the righteous and just causes and not for the suppression of the weak and the defenceless. That has been the teaching of our Dharma. This eternal message of Vijaya Dashmi has been inspiring our race all through long centuries of our struggle against the foreign aggressors. Many a time we were defeated by Muslim invaders. Many a time they thought that Bharat would go the way of Egypt and Persia which were completely Muslimised within a few years of their conquest by them. But they were disappointed. Even after a thousand years of Muslim domination Bharat remained Bharat. The steam roller of Islam tried in vain to convert this country into a Dar-ul-Islam.
Bharat could stand this bar-barian onslaught of the Muslim Invaders only because It had not forgotten the message of Vljaya Dsshmi The Bharatlya rulers and warriors once defeated in war dld not lie down crest fallen for ever. Vijaya Dashmi would come every year to rouse a new spirit in them and urge them to take up arms once again. So they fought, fought again and continued the struggle till the victors themselves were vanquished.
That victorious spirit which sustained us in slavery, which helped us to carry the ship of our ancient land and culture safely through long centuries of incessant and torrential waves of invaders and aggressors seems to have left us today when we happen to be physically free. The leaders of Bharat of today are anxious to avoid war even at the cost of our honour, prestige nay our very existence as a free nation. They take the shelter now of a defeated philosophy which has nothing Bharatiya about it and then of some scraps of paper—the Delhi Pact, the no-war-declaration—to avoid war with the aggressor somehow. They talk of truth and righteousness and perhaps think that they will triumph inspite of their timidity and impotence. Many of our people are also some times carried away by their rhetorics and forget the secret of our life as a nation.
Vijay Dashmi has come once again to shake us out of that atmosphere of self-complacency and defeatism. It demands of us that we should shed our inferiority complex and rise as a man to redeem our motherland and our people of the shame and anguish of Partition, abductions, murders and daily threats and insults. Victory is then assured. n