Whilst living in Japan in 2006, I discovered Yog, well it was discovered for me and I was dragged along to a class in Azubu Juban, Tokyo, by my good friend Naomi. I thought Yog was just about breathing and as I already knew how to do that, I wasn’t too sure what else I could get out of a Yog class. Well that all changed pretty quickly as fell in love with Yog and I began to notice changes in my way of thinking, how I interacted with others, and my physical appearance – my skin glowed and my eyes became so bright.
My ability to handle a busy corporate environment in a foreign language was made easier with my regular Yog practice. I was hooked and wanted to find out more by doing the year-long Teacher Training with Nirmal Raj Gyawali (Yog Alliance certified course), in Tokyo Japan whilst working full-time. I began Yog Teacher Training in 2007 and it was to become the beginning of a new and life-long “way of living” for me that I would then share with others.
Upon resettling back in the state of Victoria, Australia in 2008, I wanted to share my joy of Yog and Meditation, and established a small business called “BeBliss”, meaning to be blissful in our daily life. I wanted to create something that was positive and could uplift people, Bliss is a word often used in Yog teachings. In this small rural township, I started my new fulltime career with teaching a Pregnancy Yog class and expanded as more students enjoyed the benefits and spread the word.
Initially I focused on teaching Yog and then introduced Meditation, as I could see an increased need for students to learn how to have a greater sense of peace and calm and begin to understand themselves more deeply. Over the years I have had many requests for additional support and I have been pleased to expand my teaching into pre & post natal Yog, Kids Yog, Corporate Yog & team building, Birth support and education, as well as Lifestyle Coaching, using the traditional principles of Ayurveda (traditional Indian holistic medicine) naturopathy. I run general and women’s health workshops and retreats, as well as overseas tours to Japan.
BeBliss offers traditional Hatha Yog, a balanced style whereby you can begin to harmonise the mind, body and spirit through combining asanas/poses, pranayama/breathing techniques and savasana/deep relaxation, in a positive and friendly environment.
The classes also incorporate Ayurvedic philosophies and training undertaken in other Yog styles throughout the world. Over the past eight years I have had the privilege of sharing this knowledge with many students of all ages and ability, BeBliss Yog is for all, without pressure and in a safe & relaxing environment. Generally there are still a greater proportion of women that attend classes than men.
As a teacher and also a student of Yog I can see first hand everyday the wonderful changes and benefits it adds to my life and others. Yog has brought clarity and mindfulness to my life enabling me to experience life more richly. It encourages me to be a better person each day. My students also comment on the changes they have seen in their lives, from simply being more relaxed and happier (which I believe is most important!!) in their daily activities, to improved health such as lowered blood pressure, decreased joint and muscular pain, sounder and longer sleep, increased strength, body tone and flexibility, improved concentration, vitality and overall wellbeing, to feeling more positive, less stressed and more balanced emotionally which supports those students with mental illnesses. Everyone’s experience from Yog will be different, ultimately it’s all about the life journey.
With continued practice, students may be able to realise their hidden potentials, but for many, its just taking that much needed “me time” in their busy lives. Many of my students have attended my workshops, retreats and overseas tours, and seen first hand how to incorporate Yog, Meditation, Ayurveda and these principles into their everyday life, so that in difficult, stressful times among other things, they can choose to respond more mindfully. In the past several years in Australia I have noticed that there continues to be a wider acceptance of Yog, Meditation, Ayurveda and how it can be applied to one’s life. Which is why I believe people were asking me to support them further to apply these concepts for their pregnancy and birthing, as well as women’s health and one-on-one to lifestyle coaching.
Yog and Meditation continues to support me in all times of my life, to keep me balanced and real. It is like a close friend that I call upon in times of need, but practice daily to strengthen the friendship and discover more about myself!
International Yog Day on 21st June each year, gives me an opportunity to reflect and be grateful for Yog’s wonderful gift of health and happiness and all its flow on benefits in my life. I love what I do and do it passionately, and as I strive to develop myself, this day also inspires me to impart my knowledge for another person to be touched by the power of Yog and to have a natural, healthy and harmonious life.
Gabrielle McMahon, Founder of BeBliss Yog, Meditation & Women's Health, Australia www.bebliss.com.au