The friable nature of universe always makes duality and truths in this world. The periodical and regional truths make blind in between us and the Truth. In worldly life, truth is evaluated with results and achievements, in the particular period and in particular area. Inside the universe the long existence is possible for anything only with the help of strong fundamental principle. The strong fundamental principle need Astik basement of vedas and vedantas. Veda base is the only basement to provoke our thoughts beyond the five elements.
For Ayurveda, there are two major parts related with the above mentioned concept, one is its strong fundamental for, ever existence in this universe (Sanathanathvam of Ayurveda) and regional and periodical implementation for maximum effectiveness. When the partial truth and success of any methodology is connected with the eternal truth or success is the base of Sanathanathvam or ever greenness of the methodology. Here, Ayurveda also has shown the dual nature and its integrated nature, to perform its veda base.
The Panchamahabhoota Sidhanta and Tridosha Sidhanta of Ayurveda, is basically connected with the Vedanta. The periodical and regional implementations are based on the necessities and philosophies in the particular period in the region. To keep Ayurveda in mainstream, it is necessary to use the fundamental principle more than its implementation versions. We can make any implementation version, and it is necessary also to satisfy modern health issues, but without losing the power and perfection of Indian perceptions. The fundamentals of Ayurveda itself are enough to explain the maya or Samsarabandhana of a human.
As per the formation principle of human body, the position of vata is on top pita is in middle and kapha is in lower part. But in effective sense, Swadhishtana Mooladhara plays the controlling roll of life and behavior of a person. That means kapha/moodatva/ tamas, controlling the life and our actions and intellects are working as per the instruction of lower chakras. This functional re-organisation make rebirths in this world and the Vata, Pita and Kapha plays the supportive role for rebirths and it is called Tridoshas or the reason for our Annamayakosa. For Moksha, it is our aim to rectify the control and give mastery to higher chakras using various levels and methods of yoga. To practice Ashtanga Yoga, the swasthavrita is the major necessity of a person to achieve eternity.
Inside the universe (in prapancha) sorrows are the truths because of the above mentioned reason, of the functional disputes. When a principle make the fundamentals from beyond the universe, through insight, the sorrows will disappear because of the existence of The Truth. Inside the dual nature of universe there are multiple truths under the diversified nature of maya. This multiple nature is enough to make sorrows for humanity. In Astic period, the aim of Ayurveda,is not only to make satisfaction to visible health issues, but also to work as a permanent solution for sorrows, through avoiding the birth cycle. When Ayurveda converted to nastikdarsana, it changed automatically to one veda – Adtharva Veda. For the renaissance of Ayurveda, it is our duty to take back to the integrated form of vedas without any disputes.
Ayurveda is a comprehensive form to support yogic procedures. With the connection with four Vedas, Ayurveda can support break Annamayakosa (role of Adtharva Veda), Pranamayakosa (role of Sama Veda), Manomaya Vijnanamayakosa (Yajur Veda) and Anandamayakosa (Rig Veda). Through the real Swasthavrita of Ayurveda, it possible to make perfect life style as mentioned in Kadhopanishat and Bhagwad Gita (the explanation of a chariot for life style management).
(With inputs from Bengaluru based institute, Luminous—An Illuminator of Science & Humanity)