Vol. III, No. 34 April 17, 1950 Annas Four-Air Mail-/4/6 |
RSS wants to very emphatically deny this territorial concept of nationalism. Let us throw away this pseudo-national Concept prevalent for the last twenty years, that has landed us into this suffering and disaster. But if we persist I believing I such ideas, we may bring upon our selves what even Chengiz Khan could not. If we have to die at all let us not die like sheep. Let us die as sacrifices for our idealogy and principles.
If we fail to take lesson from these recent incidents, then, as our revered Guruji once said ‘We are not Human’. Let us therefore discard this absurd and dangerous theory of territorial nationality and realize the cultural existence of the Nation. The nation is not the boundaries or rivers or mountains or the barren land or the earth. The Nation is the heart, the race, history, the tradition and the common sentiment that binds us together through life and death. This is the land of great men like Sri Ramchandra, and Sri Krishna, of valiant heroes like Shivaji and Pratap, of Shankaracharya Ramanujacharya, Madhwacharya, those spiritual saints that lead the nation to the pinnacles of glory.
Let’s be Bold
Every particle of this land speaks spiritualism, which is the glory of the land. We the sons of this race fought for the preservation of this Naiton. What we fought for was not for the preservation of the boundaries but to protect the Hindu way of life. The nation lives not in boundaries but in the spirit. And who were those that fought for such a nation? Who laid down their lives for the preservation of its culture. The Hindus alone and hence they are the nationals of the land. If only we understand the true national concept all the present problems will melt away. Let us declare bravely that we thirty-five crores are here to protect the honour of our mother. This needs courage and confidence and a large heart to admit and retrace the blunders of the last twenty years. But we have not the large heart to admit mistakes absurd theories are repeated parotlike day in and day out. We are intoxicated with the fantastic fad of Secularism and the impotent theory of Internationalism and above all by the tricks of internationalism. The Kashmir problem is there all in a mess. Minister Gopalswami Ayyangar declared while taking the issue to UNO. that the Kashmir problem was a clear one and that within 8 days it would be solved. Three years have passed and what is the result? The problem has not been solved. In fact the Kashmir problem is clear as it was in the beginning. Kashmir is Bharath’s territory. It has remained the Mukut Mani of Bharat from times immemorial and if any raider or looter encroaches upon our land it is our right to drive him out. The raider and looter has now been raised to the position of a possesser and protector and given the status of equality with Bharat. And now jugglery of words is going o to fool us. Our P.M. has to wail that pressure from Anglo-American quarters is being brought to decide the Kashmir issue in favour of Pakistan. A prime Minister of a great nation of 35 crores wailing in this fashion! Is it not an insult to the Nation?
A small nation of five lakh Jews was resurrected itself and found for itself a territory and six crores of Arabs are trembling in their shoes at this small nation. This is because the Nation depends upon its own in ernal health and strength. The RSS wishes to impress this on the Nation. Let us give up false and absurd theories. Enough of them. Let us go back to our way of life and our history. Let us be bold in rectifying ourselves and I assure you these tragedies will not happen again.
I Appeal
Lastly it is my sacred appeal to you to accept true nationalism with a sense of duty. Our leaders take time for action. We must come forward to help our helpless bretheren from Bengal till then as a matter of duty. The sufferers did not ask for partition, but we sinners forced it upon them. Our swayamsevaks will come from house to house in a day or two. I appeal to you to rise to the occasion. Let us tell the Government ‘You are our servant. You must obey the people’s dictates. Leave this fantastic fad of secularism. Take bold steps and protect the life and honour of bretheren. Do not hesitate. We 35 crores are with you. If exchange of population is desirable do that. Take any other bold step. Act without fear or favour’.
I do not want that there should be disorder within the country. There are enemies inside and outside. So internal peace and security must be safeguarded. But remember–Punjab, we tolerated Sindh—we forgot soon, Bengal-No!—thus far and no further.