(Organiser, 16.11.2014);This refers to the article ‘Need for Standardising Ayurveda’ in Organiser. What is common among the status of Ayurveda , FDI in Retail, Globalising Life Insurance, Non-Commercialising Gobar Gas etc ? All deprive our countrymen and our country its due opportunity and handing it over to foreigners. We have brutally superseded our own traditions meaninglessly and adopted foreign culture blindly out of fantasy, ultimately one day resulting in again slavery. It is high time we open our eyes and revive our own traditions and culture and regain our lost glory.
Email: [email protected]
A page from History
(Organiser, 23.11.2014); In the ‘ A page from History ‘ in Organiser, a very true picture of Pandit Nehru has been projected. It has been stated that, “The very term Hindu seems offensive and repulsive to his sensitive temperament .”There are a number of documents to prove , that Nehru acted as a representative of Hindus and Sikhs while dealing with the British but did nothing to safeguard the interest of these two communities. On April 8, 1947 he forwarded a representation signed by 11 Hindus and Sikh MLA’s and MCS , that they wanted to “Partition Punjab into two provinces” (See page 80 , document -22, Partition of Punjab-!947, edited by Dr Kripal Singh and published by National Book Shop). Again on page 80, the same book says, in the meeting held on May 11,1947, with Lord Mountbatten at Simla, Nehru says that “Congress supports demand for Partition on the principle that no district in which non- Muslims predominate, should go to Pakistan.” Certainly Nehru did not represented Muslims, but only Hindus and non- Muslims. This clearly indicated that just as Pakistan was to be a homeland for the Muslims, the truncated India was meant to become homeland only for the Hindus and non-Muslims. But after getting hold of our share Nehru cheated and betrayed us and became agent of Muslims and Pakistan for which he cannot be excused. He also allowed Pakistan authorities to liquidate entire Hindu and Sikh population ruthlessly from Pakistan.
Panchkula: 134 109
??Despicable psychology of Mr Khurshid
Opponents of BJP and Congress Party especially cannot digest the popularity and influence of BJP in general and PM Narendra Modi in particular. It has once again been proved by the recent comment of former External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid on Prime Minister Modi’s recent visit to Sydney where he addressed 16,000 Indian audience settled there. Really that was historical and delighted, a golden opportunity for them to have interaction with an Indian Prime Minister after a prolonged period of 28 years. Mr Khurshid has exhibited bankruptcy of his wisdom by making a comment that those 16,000 attendees were brought from India to listen to Modi’s speech, a big joke. It was an indication of Salman Khurshid’s despicable psychology towards BJP and Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
SRIDHAR V KULKARNI, Kalyan ( West ), Mumbai: 421 301