(Organiser, 10.19.2013); My heart bleeds after reading that Muslims are “getting increasingly disenchanted” as mentioned by Shri MV Kamath in his article titled, ‘The damage imposed by Muslims on themselves’ in Organiser. Then why are they continuing to stay in Bharat? We Bharatiyas are dismayed and disappointed with the Muslims for not migrating to the land of purity i.e. Pakistan when it was carved out especially for Muslims. Why did they stay back? Do they not know that Hindus and Muslims tread parallel tracks? Now that the new face of terrorism has surfaced and spreading its tentacles the Muslims in Bharat whose bread and butter is their religion have surreptitiously joined hands aiding and abetting with their brethren from outside, tearing and shredding to pieces our punyabhoomi. Home grown terrorism has raised its ugly hydra head spewing venom and spreading violence inside as well as outside our borders. Geelani’s poisoned speech, LoC firings, beheading and killing our soldiers, Mumbai carnage, Kashmiri pundits being driven out of their homeland, the list is long and endless. We the Hindus are a peace loving people and follow Hindutava, a way of life instilled in our hearts by saints sages and seers. It is only when adharma raises its ugly head avatar purushas have appeared to put down violence and establish peace and good will and I will not be wrong to say that Shri Modi is one of them. This is the proper time for action. Cleansing has to take place at all levels in various ways.
SHANTA DYUTHIKAR, 39, 15th Cross Malleshwaram, Bengaluru: 3
General Will in favour of Modi “What matters if Sri Ram rules or Ravana. We don’t care” as things will remain same. This was the attitude of most of the Indians. Nevertheless even this division of people has now started minding the misruling of the Congress and is expecting a change of guard for better governance. This time even aam aadmi walking on the road who is not attached to any political party is prepared to vote for a change. In their vision Shri Narendra Modi is a prominent candidate to hold the helm of affairs and are equipping themselves to rally behind Modi to lead this nation. That is why NaMo factor scares the Congress as all along Congress believed that only through dynasty policy this country can be ruled. This is the reason and mindset of Congress to defy opinion polls. Once the dynasty rule is broken Congress will be into shamble. Infact that is why true nationalists want to relieve this country from the dynasty rule. Regional parties especially who came with anti-Hindu slogan and made money by joining hands with dynastic party and looted the country and scammed the country coffers and made the country and its people to suffer, have also realised their mistake. Why are we waiting then? Give Shri Modi a chance and wait for the result. Opinion polls are nothing but an entertainment for the common man and no one will go to the polling booth to cast their votes based on the outcome of any opinion poll but with his/her own determination to choose their leaders. Congress must understand this and its present attempt to resist opinion polls is just a child’s play, trying to cover the sun with a hand.
S Ganapathisu Bramanian, [email protected]
Hunkar Succeeds amidst Secular Negligence (Organiser, 10.11.2013); This refers to “Hunkar Succeeds amidst Secular Negligence” by Sanjeev Kumar in Organiser. As mentioned, seven persons have been killed in bomb blasts, and more than 90 injured, and Shri Narendra Modi is in the hit list of Islamic terror outfits. We, the Hindus have been the worst suffers of Islamic cruelties, which date back to more than one thousand years, and Muslim brutes did not spare even un-armed civil population, including small infants, children and women. Shri Modi emphasised in his address at Patna that Muslims in his Gujarat “are more prosperous and earn well”, than Muslims in Bihar. Certainly credit goes to him, but it is highly doubtful, that many Muslims would be impressed by this fact, as their psychology is moulded by the teachings of Islam, which teaches “Jihad” and hatred against non-Muslims. In this connection, Dr BR Ambedkar a highly courageous and intellectual leader gives details of cruelties committed by Muslims against the Hindus from page 153 to 177 of his book Pakistan or the Partition of India and finally comes to the conclusion on page-178 that “hope of Hindu Muslim unity” was futile. This book can be seen on Internet. One more dark aspect of the present day Islamic terrorism is, that even top most very responsible leaders of the Congress are involved in spreading hatred against the Hindus in general and Shri Modi in particular. Our Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in his election speech on April 29, 2013 at Hubli in Karnataka, that Muslims are feeling unsafe, only to create hatred against BJP Government and the Hindus. Sonia Gandhi’s statement of describing Shri Modi as Merchant of death (Maut ka saudagar) has certainly encouraged Muslim terrorist to put Shri Modi in hit list. Both Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi deserves to be prosecuted under 153-A of IPC for creating hatred.
ANAND PRAKASH, 72/Sector-8, Panchkula: 134 109
Organic Farming It is shocking to know that Mallikarjun Kharge, Union Minister of Railways, did not made any mention of the importance of ‘Organic Farming’ during the recent ‘International Krishi Mela’ held at the University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bengaluru. The backbone of the organic farming are cows, which have been supporting our country’s agriculture since hundreds of years, due to which our country India has gained the title ‘Agricultural Country’. Today where India stands on the globe as an economical country is purely due to the progress made in agriculture since ages and all this credit goes to the cows and its contribution. Therefore, cow protection is the essence of the agriculture movement in our country and its economics. How on the earth a person like Kharge can speak about Organic farming and cow protection, when he is of the contention that ban on cow slaughter can harm the interests of a section of the minorities who consume beef and which makes their food. In that case, we have a bigger contention that by not enforcing ban on cow slaughter, it can affect the interests of the majority who rely on food grains and vegetative commodities from organic farming.
Seturam Aspari, [email protected]