RSS demands the protection of civil rights for Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh (Organiser, 31.3.2013);
This refers to the article ‘RSS demands the protection, of civil rights of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh in Organiser. Can we expect this in the present context? It was really astonishing to read an article ‘Candidates under Election Commissioner scanner over knowledge of Islam’ in Indian Express 5.4.2013.Pakistan is an Islamic state where every Muslim is supposed to have the knowledge of Islam. But it is for the first time that prospective candidates for ensuing elections are under severe test as to the recitation of Quran, and offering of namaz. Candidates who are supposed to be liberal, are under indoctrination to develop fundamentalism. Then what about minorities? There Constitution does not allow any position of power or security to minorities. Therefore Pakistan is no way a democratic and secular country. It is run under the dictates of Ulemas, Talibans, Jehadis, for which Jamit-e-Islami is very active . Similarly Bangladesh after being free from the yokes of Pakistan, was named as ‘Gana Prajatantriya Bangladesh’. But just after two years Sheikh Mujibur Rehman was brutally assassinated along with his family members. After that army took over the name of the country was changed to ‘Islamic Republic of Bangladesh’. Since then Hindus and other minorities are constantly suffering. Here also Jamait-e-Islami is very active. To day they are a headache for Sheikh Hasina’s government. Now the moot point is, whether Jamait-e-Islami in India is different? No, it promotes jehadism.
The so-called seculars of all brands—Congress, Socialists. Marxist, regional party leaders are only busy in appeasement of most dominant minority, with large population of 18 per cent (10 per cent in 1947), but would not raise the voice in favour of minorities persecuted in Pakistan and Bangladesh, although they are Hindus. The ideals of Secularism, Socialism; Marxism are today completely worn out. Such parties live on crutches for ideology failure and seek help form Muslim organisations against their communal demands which is against the Constitution. They cannot think of the plight of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh, because of their selfish end of vote-bank politics. Jyotic Basu, a great Marxist leader, in 1947 ran for his life to India, with other lakhs of Hindus, joined the fight for Russia and China with America, but never thought of Hindus left behind to wolves. This is the irony. Marxism failed to penetrate in Muslim countries.
HS MEHTANI, 89/7, East Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi-26
Unpopular UPA presents equally unpopular budget (Organiser, 10.3. 2013);
This is with reference to the article in Organiser, ‘Unpopular UPA presents equally unpopular budget’. At the outset I appreciate your analysis of the budget and let me certify to the best of my knowledge that Congress ka haath aam aadmi ke saath is only a slogan and this time nothing has been done to give any relief to the middle class and the lower middle class people. The salaried class was not at all cared. It was expected that there would be good enhancement in the income tax limit to woo the salaried class but in vain. Rather aam aadmi has been worst hit with this budget. There is a proposal to open ‘Women Bank’ to be run exclusively for and by the women. Let me ask the Finance Minister that what is the connection between the budget and the bank run exclusively by women and for the women only. Further a provision of rupees 10,000 crore has been made for the ‘Food Security Bill’ but when almost all the food subsidy has been withdrawn then how come this Bill is going to help the poor? Even among the corporate sector the so-called additional resource generation of rupees 18,000 crore is going to hit the sector as rupees 15,000 crore of the amount is going to be generated from surcharge that will further increase the cost of production and prices. The so-called 15 per cent investment allowance is also meant only for big industries whose investment in new plant and machinery is going to exceed to 100 crore. The micro, small and medium enterprises, the lifeline of the Indian economy has been left high and dry,
cheated and disappointed. Even the Defence expenditure has been reduced, signalling our enemies, Pakistan and China that we (UPA) are with you.Our plan expenditure has also been slashed from rupees 5.21 lakh crore to just rupees 4.29 lakh crore. This is shamefully as much or less than business turnover of any private sector company. The net result was that Bombay Stock Exchange plunged immediately after the budget speech of the Finance Minister. Out of the 16 lakh crore government’s plan expenditure, 1/3 will be met by borrowings and another 40 per cent with interest burden. This will result in heavy increase in the country’s debt for which coming generations will curse the UPA government. The article clearly exposes the naked lust for money and power of the UPA.
Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad: 60
Enact, enforce stern laws rather death sentence for rapists (Organiser 6.1.2013);
In India, women are devalued traditionally and the men are valued. According to Hindu mythology, the word Ardhanarishvara means “The Lord whose half is a woman”. What is the value of a man without a woman? If the government doesn’t want to acknowledge the death penalty in some cases like rape incidents, let us look at the history of Indian mythology where we read about ‘Mahishasura who was killed by Goddess Durga’, Chanda and Munda, the two monsters were killed by Chamunda. We shouldn’t forget that there are many temples in our country devoted to the Goddesses which are equally worshipped by men. We must work all together as both male as well as female need each other to survive and flourish.
Is killing of Hindus legal?(Organiser, 14.4.2013);
This is with reference to the article of Dr Jay Dubashi titled: ‘Is killing of Hindus legal?’ in Organiser. The Apex court has already answered the very pertinent question of the learned writer. But I pose a very simple question to him: “Was killing of thousands of innocents after 1992 riots was legitimate?” Justice Shrikrishna Commission’s Report on 1992 Mumbai riots after demolition of the disputed structure has not at all justified the senseless killings of the innocents.
22-7-313,Chatta Bazar, Hyderabad-500 002
Matters of honest indifference and concurrence (Organiser, 24.3.2013);
This refers to the review of the book Together They Fought; Gandhi-Nehru Correspondence 1921-48’, under the tile ‘Matter of honest indifference and concurrence by MV Kamath in the ‘Bookmark’ page of Organiser. In this review of the book, many conflicts regarding Gandhi and Nehru have been mentioned, still Gandhi nominated Nehru as his heir. Basic question is that why Gandhi liked Nehru so much? The reason was that they both were committed to one common aim of befooling and harming the Hindus, and appeasement of Muslims to any extent. The differences were mostly superficial and were mostly in the manner or methods of cheating the Hindus. I would mention only one example. Gandhi assumed the shape of a Mahatma and gave sermons on Gita, Ramrajya, although he did not accept the existence of Sri Ram and Sri Krishna. He writes in Harijan dated July 27, 1937 that “I do not mention the names of Sri Ram and Sri Krishna, because they were not historical figures, but I am inclined to mention the names of Abu-Bakr and Umar”. Thus he chanted the names of Sri Ram and Sri Krishna, only to befool the Hindus and create followers. Nehru also did not believe in the existence of Sri Ram and Sri Krishna and mentions them as only epics. On page-520 of his Autobiography he writes that “Hindus think of Vedic and epic period, and dream of Ramrajya. And yet all history tells us that the great masses of people lived in utter misery in those past days.” Here Nehru is acting like a westernised person having contempt for Ramrajya, quite opposite to Gandhi. But both are of the opinion that Sri Ram did not exist. This shows that Gandhi was cunning and more dangerous than Nehru, because he said some thing, but believed in something just opposite in this particular case.
72, Sector-8, Panchkula-134 109
With You, For You, Always—A big joke
I totally agree with the statement of Delhi Police Commissioner Neeraj Kumar that why should he resign and if his resignation from the post would solve the problem related to rapes he is ready to resign a 1,000 times. Further he said that for any misreporting that a reporter does, is the editor suppose to resign. He also said that, “Is it humanly possible for a policeman to prevent a case like this? Can the police prevent it? The fact of the matter is that rapes are opportunist crimes committed within the confines of private spaces. 97 per cent of such cases are committed within the confines of homes, only three per cent are committed by strangers.” But I fail to understand that why policeman on duty shows reluctance in registering the FIR of the victim when she goes to the police station to get the complaint registered. Instead of writing the complaint the policemen on duty try to hush-up the matter by telling the victim that both the parties should settle the matter with some compensation rather than lodging the FIR. They even try to pacify the victim and her family members that whatever has been done is now over and by registering the complaint the victim will get further defamed in the society. This happened in the recent rape case also where the child’s father was told to accept rupees 2,000 and finish off the matter. Instead of promptly acting on such a matter why do they behave very casually. Secondly why do the policemen instead of trying to arrest the culprits physically assault the victim who has already been traumatized. They even thrash people who have accompanied the victim to the police station. Every day one reads a story in the newspaper that a rape victim was thrashed by the cops on duty when she went to the police station to get the complaint registered. In a democratic country like India where we talk of very high moral values, our Sanskriti, Vedas, Puranas and give special status to women by treating her as a Devi(Goddess) why do the police department which has a slogan, ‘With You, For You, Always’, behave in such a ridiculous manner?
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