Sarva Jati Maha Panchayat by VHP in Lucknow
OBCs resolve to fight against Muslim reservation?
Vishwa Hindu Parishad organised a Sarva Jati (all castes) Maha Panchayat in Lucknow on February 4 to mobilise the OBCs against Muslim reservation. Over 50,000 people belonging to various communities strongly opposed Muslim reservation in one voice and resolved to be one as Hindus. One old illiterate OBC woman came up from the public on the stage and spoke with such a vigour against Muslim reservation that all were inspired! Various caste leaders—over 150 of them—were on the stage with Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami Vasudevanand Saraswati and VHP working president Dr Pravin Togadia. They resolved to fight against Muslim reservations and also to hold similar Hindu Sarva Jati Maha Panchayats in all villages, towns, cities and states of the country.
In a resolution the people attending the Maha Panchayat resolved that at any cost, roti, education, employment, bank loan etc of any Hindu–OBC, SC, ST, Brahman, Thakur, Vaishya, Maurya or any other caste – would never be allowed to be snatched to be given to any Muslim or Christian. They demanded the Government to withdraw all kinds of reservations and quotas given to Muslims and apologise for such an anti-national misdeed.
Addressing the gathering Dr Togadia warned that reservation is just one part of the Sachar and Rangnath Misra reports and if those entire reports were implemented the Governments would snatch further 6 per cent from the OBC quota for Muslims. The Muslims and Christians will also be included in SC and ST reservations. There is possibility that 15 per cent reservation will be given to Muslims snatching further 6 per cent from OBC and 9 per cent from Open Merit Brahman, Thakur, Vaishya and all other castes Hindus. “This is the worse ever conspiracy against Hindus,” he said.