THOUGH as per Arnold Joseph Toynbee (1889-1975), the British historian of civilisations, “Civilisations die from suicide, not murder”, a unilateral war is being waged by anti-Hindu forces to wipe out Hindu civilisation the way other native cultures and civilisations have been destroyed in the world.
And though expansionist religions and civilisations demolished the ancient Greek, Roman, Maya, Inca, Aztec, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Persian, Norse, Celt, African, Aboriginal and many other native traditions, religions and civilisations, they could not destroy Hindu civilisation because of stiff resistance from Hindu Bharat over the centuries.
History shows that civilisations which became too soft, and did not confront the aggressors, were attacked and erased. Since Hindu civilization also has become too soft, it is being attacked and demolished. Frontiers of Hindu civilisation which used to extend from present day Afghanistan to Indonesia are shrinking and are being confined to less and less area.
And due to callous apathy of present day Hindus, Hindu civilisation is facing an unprecedented threat to its very survival. As per Aristotle, “Tolerance and apathy are the first signs of a dying society.”
Hindu civilisation used to cover entire Bharat Varsha (comprising the present day India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Afghanistan etc.) which used to be Hindu land with zero Muslim population till Muhammad bin Qasim’s Arab army attacked Sindh in 711. Despite the heroic defence of their motherland during repeated Muslim attacks over the centuries, Hindus lost countless lives, faced plunder and destruction of thousands of their temples, and lost Afghanistan in 987, and present day Pakistan and Bangladesh to Muslims in 1947.
Even after 1947, as is evident from census after census in truncated India, Hindu civilisation is declining both in population percentage and in territory. Besides, Hindus have faced genocide and eviction from Muslim majority Kashmir to become refugees in their own country. Moreover, because of massive infiltration from Pakistan and Bangladesh, Hindu civilization is losing ground as mini-Pakistans and mini-Bangladeshs are being planted on Indian soil.
Many Hindus apprehend that because of much higher Muslim growth rate and infiltration from Pakistan and Bangladesh, Hindus in India will be outnumbered by Muslims in a few decades, and face the misery undergone by Hindus in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh which too used to be Hindu lands.
I am submitting below the main reasons for pathetic plight of Hindu civilisation; as also the solution to ensure its survival.
Fake secularism
Logically in 1947, on India’s partition on religious basis and creation of Pakistan for Muslims as demanded by Muslims, truncated India should have been declared a Hindu republic to re-assert its Hindu identity. Instead, a perverse ‘secularism’ was foisted on India.
‘Secularism’ as practised in India is fiercely anti-Hindu and is an elaborate hoax. It appeases non-Hindus; and targets Hindus for discrimination and disempowerment. Helped by this farce, with each passing day, India is being made more Islamic and more Christian and less Hindu.
Only a few examples of havoc brought by charade of secularism are given here:
Countless Pak-Bangla terrorists and infiltrators planting mini-Pakistans and mini-Bangladeshs on Bharat’s soil; genocide and eviction of Hindus from Kashmir; global missionary organisations Christianising India; government control over Hindu temples whereas no mosque or church is covered by such control; special privileges to non-Hindus under Article 30 of the Constitution; special rights to Muslim majority Jammu & Kashmir under Article 370; special benefits being conferred upon non-Hindus by many state governments; de-Hinduisation of education and history, and banishment of Sanskrit from education; distortion of Hindu religion and history; and provision of Haj subsidy though none of 57 Islamic countries gives any such subsidy are just a few perversities of secular India.
Hindu civilisation is being hammered and erased bit by bit every day in secular India; and the Union government’s affidavit filed before the Supreme Court in September 2007 rejecting the existence of Ram and Ram Sethu de-legitimised Hindu faith itself.
Though the said affidavit was withdrawn after protests, it depicts the sad situation. Besides, perverse secularism has generated organisations like Indian Mujahideen and SIMI which want to establish Muslim rule in India.
Demographic invasion
Hindu civilisation is a demographically challenged civilisation.
Both Pakistan and Bangladesh (which used to be Hindu lands) have been declared as Islamic countries, and have driven out most of Hindus and Sikhs. However, most of Indian Muslims who had demanded Pakistan and exchange of population did not go to Pakistan. Rather, the present percentage of Muslim population in India is much higher than that in 1947.
Pakistan’s army which is ideologically anti-Hindu and anti-India actually rules Pakistan; and nurtures terrorism. In their bid to dismember and bleed India through “a thousand cuts”, Pakistan and Bangladesh have sent countless terrorists and crores of their nationals into India to plant more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Indian soil.
Pak-Bangla combine wants to subjugate Hindu Bharat; and it is achieving through terrorist and demographic invasion what it could not achieve through its various wars with India. Pakistan based terrorist outfits like Lashkar-e-Taiba are quite open about their plan of capturing “Hindu India” for Islam.
Despite the Supreme Court’s judgements dated July 12, 2005 and December 5, 2006 to deport infiltrators, the government has done nothing in this regard though “demographic conquest” of any territory is the permanent civilisational conquest. Rather, Pak-Bangla nationals are infiltrating into India every day.
And instead of being deported, infiltrators are getting voting rights.
Foreign-funded conversions
If Pak-Bangla combine wants to Islamise India through terrorists and infiltrators, missionaries want to Christianise India through unlimited foreign funds.
On November 7, 1999 in New Delhi, Pope John Paul II gave a call to convert Asia to Christianity as follows:-
“Just as the first millennium saw the Cross firmly planted in the soil of Europe, and the second in that of America and Africa, so may the Third Christian Millennium witness a great harvest of faith on this vast and vital continent.”
Hindus in India and Nepal are special targets for this ‘harvest of faith’. And in 2006, Maoists, missionaries and Pakistan’s ISI divested Nepal of its Hindu identity.
Having conquered North-East India, many global missionary organisations are sending huge funds to NGOs in India for converting Hindus to Christianity through fraud and allurement.
And Joshua Project is a war-like project to invade and Christianise India. All over India, Churches are being built even in remote villages to Christianise the local populations.
Macaulay’s education
As per George Orwell, “The most effective way to destroy a people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
Introduced in India in 1835 by Lord Macaulay (1800-1859), Macaulayan education had no place for Sanskrit, Hindu scriptures, Hindu heritage and Hindu history; and was devised to de-Hinduise Hindus as Macaulay’s following letter dated October 12, 1836 to his father shows:
“Our English schools are flourishing wonderfully…. The effect of this education on Hindus is prodigious. No Hindu who has received an English education ever remains sincerely attached to his religion. It is my firm belief that if our plans of education are followed up, there will not be a single idolater among the respected classes 30 years hence. And this will be effected without our efforts to proselytize; I heartily rejoice in the prospect.”
Shockingly, even after independence in 1947, India has been following Macaulayan education. Accordingly, de-Hinduised by Macaulayan education, most of Hindus know nothing about Hindu religion, Hindu history or Hindu civilisation; and are self-alienated, deracinated and indifferent to attacks being made on Hindu civilisation.
Unilateral universalism
Unilateral universalism is not graciousness. It is plain stupidity.
And embracing unilateral noble thoughts despite relentless attacks is self-destructive.
The most dangerous falsity being propagated by many Hindu religious leaders is that all religions are the same and deserve same respect (sarva Dharma sama bhava). This unilateral and absurd declaration betrays ignorance about Hinduism; and also about other religions. This falsehood strengthens anti-Hindus, and facilitates fraudulent conversion of Hindus. Those claiming all religions to be the same are either ignorant or hypocrites.
Besides, unilateral Hindu slogans like vasudeva kutumbakam (entire world is one family) and ekam sat viprah bahudha vadanti (‘truth’ is one but has many names) also suppress danger from anti-Hindu forces which are bent upon finishing Hinduism. As a result, de-Hinduised by Macaulayan education and ignorant of basic tenets of various religions, many Hindus are proclaiming that they respect all religions, and are being converted and married to non-Hindus.
Moreover, India has been following the policy of unilateral magnanimity, instead of the policy of ‘reciprocity’.
Since no Hindu temple can be built anywhere in Saudi Arabia, there is no reason to allow Saudi Arabia to fund the building of mosques and Madrassas in India.
Hindus’ hypnotic obsession with unilateral universalism and magnanimity is leading to gradual liquidation of their religion and civilisation. It is frustrating to find Hindus so self-destructive as a community, though as individuals, they excel.
Only solution
Since sham ‘secularism’ and secular India have been a disaster, only Hindu Bharat can protect Hindus, Hindu Dharma, Hindu heritage, Hindu identity of Bharat and Hindu civilisation. Accordingly, fake secular India must be transformed into a genuinely secular Hindu Bharat.
And this transformation can be attained only with the help of a nationalist main stream media and a strong nationalist political party. Accordingly, all nationalist individuals and social and religious organisations must create the nationalist main stream media, and a very strong nationalist political party which will act as instruments to transform India into a Hindu Republic of Bharat by all peaceful, constitutional and lawful means.
A civilisation can exist only when there is a nation to protect and nurture it. If Hindu civilization has to exist, Hindu Bharat has to exist.
Since Hinduism is all embracing, Hindu Bharat will give justice to all and appease none. In Hindu Bharat, there will be one law and one nation; no distinction of majority and minority, and no discrimination against any community. And all citizens in this Bharat will have equal rights. It will also dismantle fake-secularism, and liberate the nation from countless terrorists and Pak-Bangla infiltrators.
And Hindu Bharat will remember MA Jinnah’s ‘Two Nations’ theory expounded in Lahore in 1940, and will prevent the creation of more Pakistans and Bangladeshs on Bharat’s soil.
No one can object to the concept of Hindu Bharat when all the 57 Muslim majority countries are declared as Islamic countries.
Arnold Joseph Toynbee (1889-1975) had stated that “the only way of salvation is the ancient Hindu way; and that at the close of twentieth century, the world would be dominated by the West, but in the 21st century “India will conquer her conquerors.”
Let us ensure that Hindu civilisation survives and prevails; and prove that Arnold Joseph Toynbee was right in his assertion that in 21st century, “India will conquer her conquerors.”