Woman safety should get high priority (Organiser, 8.5.2011);
In a recent survey conducted by the Population Research Bureau and the USAID, India lags behind all other BRICS nations when it comes to taking women along in its progress. In general, the mindset of Indians is to have sons because they continue family ‘legacy’. Daughters are despised and loathed and in many instances, when they are born, they are done away with in most cruel manner. Adult females are considered as ‘outsiders’ in the family as they would be married and would have to leave the house. Sadly, therefore, many parents feel it is not worth educating their daughters as they are a liability. This social backwardness has to be addressed in case we want to see our women being educated. The awareness has to be created among every stratum of society, especially in the villages across the country. Further, people must stop celebrating lavishly when a son is born because its leaves a deep gash in the hearts and minds of daughters. School curriculum across the country has to be modified to eulogise and praise the achievements of women and highlight their importance for the welfare of society at large.
HARISCHANDRA PARSHURAM, Flat 34, 3rd Floor, Queens View, Near SNDT College, Juhu, Mumbai-400 049
Get your facts right before you stump on two-nation idea! (Organiser, 27.2.2011);
I would like to congratulate Shri OP Gupta IFS (Retd) for his excellent and frank article ‘Get your facts right before you stump on two-nation idea!’ This article is based on historical facts. But what one can expect from Digvijay Singh a master in the art of telling lies as far as Hindu organisations are concerned. I am pretty sure, he speaks only what 10 Janapath wants. One cannot expect morality from a such a person. It appears that Digvijay Singh is not aware that the Indian National Congress (INC) which he patronises has now changed its name to ‘International Corruption Party’.
Dr KP HARDAS, 7 Samarth Nagar West, Wardha Road, Nagpur-440 015
Distracted Digvijay Singh If anyone is in distressed mood following the assassination of most wanted global dreaded terrorist Osama bin Laden by the US security forces, is no one else other than Digvijay Singh. From his statement it appears that he was deeply mourned and pained about the sad, untimely and tragic death of the so-called great international reputed humanitarian, philanthropist, pacifist, fakir, saint and top most secularists in the real sense. Digvijay strongly condemned the US for showing irreverence to the dead body of great hermit by throwing it in deep sea instead of performing funeral rites in accordance with the customs of the Islamic religion. Digvijay Singh didn’t shed a single drop of tear when more than 3,000 innocent Americans and others lost their precious lives during air attack on WTC and Pentagaon by the followers of so-called pacifist Osama bin Laden; Mass genocide of Sikh brethrens in Delhi; Large scale killing of innocent people in J&K by Paki militants; Frequent bomb blasts in different parts of the country, Ghastly incident in Mumbai and Pune. Nor he expressed console to the bereaved family. The reason was obvious. Since majority of the deceased were non Muslims. It is natural for people like him to praise people like Osama. For that reason he addressed him as ‘Osamaji’. See his love and affection towards the great martyr. I am quite sure that nobody especially the so-called secular brigade would object if Digvijay Singh keeps his (Osama’s)portrait in his residence and worship daily. He should also bring pressure on his party’s government at the Centre for declaring national holiday on May 28, every year as a mark of respect to the departed leader. He must see that under any circumstances Osama bin Laden Memorial Trust is established soon.
—SRIDHAR V KULKARNI, Kalyan(West) Maharashtra
Communal politics on enemy property (Organiser, 3.4.2011);
The writer has correctly mentioned that “properties of the Hindus who left after Partition were disposed off by the Government of Pakistan”. Infact practically the entire Hindu and Sikh population has to leave Pakistan in 1947 as their existence was in danger due to large scale massacre, loot and abduction of women and girls. Therefore huge property, perhaps more than what was owned by the Muslims in Pakistan, fell into the hands of the Government of Pakistan. On the other hand very few Muslims left India for Pakistan and their property is negligible as compared to what Hindus and Sikhs left in Pakistan. A few more facts, which people do not know, deserve to be mentioned here. “The West Punjab (now in Pakistan) government suspended on 17th April 1948, the issue of permits for removal of valuables form bank lockers by the Hindus and the Sikhs and issued orders to bank managers not to allow transfer of any securities form West Punjab to India.” (See page-64, Indus Water Treaty, by Niranjan D Gulati, Allied Publisher, Bombay, Calcutta, New Delhi, Madras, Bangalore, London, New York). Now let us see what happened in Sind, the other big province of Pakistan. “At Karachi harbour, a large number of officials were posted to make vigorous search of all the goods that migrating Hindus were taking away. They wanted Hindus to go, but they were keen that all the goods of such people should be left behind. A Hindu women who was going, had sewn a new golden lace to the border of her old sari which she was wearing. There was a very foul mouthed woman in-charge of searching the passengers. This women in great rage tore-off the new golden lace from the sari saying that passengers could go in their old clothes, but not take any new object with them……” (See page-77-81, Pakistan: Birth and early days, by Shri Prakasa—India’s first High Commissioner in Pakistan, Meenakshi Prakashan, Meerut, Delhi, Calcutta). And lastly, but not the least, about ten lakh Hindus and Sikhs were slaughtered on their way, in trains, on foot, etc. and were not even allowed to reach India. They were all looted before being slaughtered by Muslim mobs helped by Pakistani Police and Military.
ANAND PRAKASH, 72/Sector-8, Panchkula-134 109
Corruption as core poll plank (Organiser 23.1.2011):
This write-up by Shyam Khosla is an eye opener to political authorities. They should give deep attention towards this anti-national problem i.e. ‘Corruption’ to save the nation from present situation. In this regard, the masses must be awakened right from grass root level i.e. village panchayats. This issue can also be raised in the Parliament. So that it may be recorded in the Parliament proceedings in the best interest of the nation and its citizens. Pravin Togadia has highlighted corruption on the basis of mind. When mind is corrupt then everything will go wrong. In order to curb this menace, it is the duty of the right thinking persons and organisations to come together on one platform and expose the worngdoers.
LAKSHMI CHAND, Village Bandh, Dist. Solan, Himachal Pradesh
A request to OrganiserAs a child of Sanatan Dharma and devout worshipper of nature and a senior citizen, aged 79, inspired by the poet, William Wordsworth, I make an earnest appeal to our revered Gandhian, Anna Hazare and the esteemed national weekly, Organiser, to open another front against the menace of corruption and misgovernance, by launching ‘Satyagrama’ at national level against the degradation of our eco-system that sustains planet earth. You have informed, educated and enlightened all the sections of our society about the diabolic effects of corruption and misgovernance weakening our freedom and democracy and the universal and perennial cultural values supporting them. You have initiated a national resurgence. We are moving form Swatantrata to Dharmic Swadheenata. Let your mission transform our country and nation. The worst crime that we all witness now is the felling of the healthy full grown trees, especially the magnificent native trees and the disappearance of shrubs, creepers and plants that support the magnificent flora and fauna of India. The concrete jungles are coming up and eating the forest cover of our sacred land. Many of our grandiose plans can wait. But the felling of trees must stop.
BHATTU GANESH SHARMA, 98/4,6th Main Road, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru-560 003
UPA is in no mood to check price rise UPA is making the middle class to live in fools paradise, by showing them dreams of improving their living standards. However the truth is just the opposite. In the past two years, the cost of petrol has risen by a whopping Rs 24 per litre. In other words, the price has gone up by Rs 1 every month for the past 24 months. The recent unprecedented hike in petrol price—an all time record of over Rs 5—has come as a jolt to the common man, who is already struggling with the skyrocketing prices of essential items including milk, vegetables and pulses. In addition, the hike in transport fares and electricity and water charges has only made life more difficult especially for the lower middle class and the poor. Despite the fact that the poor are becoming poorer due to the unprecedented rise in prices, India still continues to dream of becoming a global super power in the near future. It is only the politicians who are becoming richer by stealing the common man’s tax money and doing rampant corruption across the country.
RAMINDER SINGH,b-224, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase:1
Corrupt feel proud in being corrupt Corruption has assumed such a large proportion that people feel proud in being corrupt. Corrupts are ruling the nation and belong to ruler-influential class. We feel proud in moving in a tinted glass car if that is banned, we feel proud in moving without helmet, we proudly cross a red signal or boast of our connection in manipulating a decision in our favour that was otherwise not allowed within rules – be it admission of your ward; be it a place in an IPL team; be it winning a tender; be it selection for a post or promotion in your rank. On the other hand a law-abiding or a rule-observer is generally looked down upon by our society. We measure the status of an influential person and respect him as much as he shows courage to violate/manipulate rules and norms. The power-brokers in India have helped in creating this state by enacting laws that are simply unobservable. Bill Gates can rise from ashes using regular means but it is simply unimaginable to even dream for any such rise in India by any law-abiding individual. You necessarily need to be a Harshad, a Ketan, a power broker politician, a shrewd bureaucrat, a corrupt administrator, a manipulating Judge, a tax evading businessman or a professional who is not honestly true to his or her profession. Believe me they can prove anyone corrupt not only because we require little to get convinced about this but also as they have ensured that nobody can remain a law-abiding citizen in India. I am afraid, unless you are an ostrich it is impossible to find a way to get out of this mess.
— Dr RAKESH KUMAR PANDEY, Kirori Mal College, Delhi -110 007
Manmohan heads the most corrupt government ever (Organiser, 22.5.2011);
According to an opinion poll conducted by the news website LensOnNews.com, most Indians seem to believe that the campaign launched by social activist Anna Hazare will curb corruption in the country. Nearly 2,000 respondents quizzed in ten cities felt that the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government is the most corrupt government ever. Numerous scams have eroded people’ trust in the government. The UPA must adopt quick damage control measure if it wants to regain the trust of the people, otherwise its name will be wiped off form the globe for ever.
MANAV CHANDNA, B-203, Derawal Nagar, Delhi-110 009
Mr Jairam: Think before you speak It is very easy for our ministers to criticise the system, but when it comes to working towards its betterment, they back out. The recent comment made about the faculty of the prestigious IITs and IIMs by the Union Minister for Environment, Jairam Ramesh brings bad name to the students of these institutions which are centres of excellence. The faculty at IITs is among the best in India and can be compared favourably well with MIT and other institutions. The minister must know that whatever is foreign need not be better. Foreign faculty is not welcome in India as we have better teachers available in India. Infact, ‘Mr Jairam’ is not aware that foreign students come to India to study. I would like to say infact that the quality of our politicians is not good and so we should import good politicians from abroad.