VISHWA Hindu Parishad (VHP) threatened to launch a countrywide agitation over Jammu & Kashmir Governor NN Vohra’s decision to curtail the Amarnath Yatra by a period of 15 days and asked him to reconsider his decision. “We warn the Governor to immediately change his decision of curtailment in the Yatra period by 15 days and make an announcement of holding full two-month long period Yatra as per the traditional and religious calendar,” VHP State president Dr Ramakant Dubey said in Jammu on April 5.
Dr Dubey alleged that the Governor succumbed to the pressure of separatist forces and elements inimical to the peace and therefore curtailed the Yatra by 15 days and violated the religious calendar of the Yatra.”If the decision to curtail the Yatra is not reversed in J&K, the VHP along with allied organisations will launch agitation of protests and demonstrations across the country,” he said. (FOC)