THE ninth anusmaran programme of the late K Bhaskar Rao was held in Kochi on January 12. The function was presided over by Advocate N Nagaresh who is State vice president of BMS and also State general secretary of Abhibhashaka Parishad. He reminisced the golden days he spent in RSS Prant Karyalaya during the tenure of the late K Bhaskar Rao as Prant Pracharak of Kerala. Deputy editor of Janmabhumi Shri K Mohandas and RSS Dakshin Kshetra Bauddhik Pramukh Shri J Nandakumar were his Karyalaya mates and the three teenagers were students at that time.
Shri K Mohandas spoke on the humanitarian aspects of Bhaskar Raoji’s personality. He said without Bhaskar Rao he would not have turned what he is now. Bharatiya Vichara Kendram State vice president Shri TG Mohandas spoke on Islamic Banking. He explained the roots and modus operandi of this banking establishment. Bhaskar Rao Anusmarana Samiti president Shri CP Unnikrishnan welcomed the gathering and Shri Shankar of Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram proposed a vote of thanks.
(By Satish Talappilli)