DEEP in the forest lived a sage named Vedana Deshikan, who was a very pious and honest man, leading a simple life and without bothering about either his health or comfort. All he was interested in was to pray to God with complete devotion. Day and night he spent his time in praying while the people around him praised him for his honesty and simplicity.
Daily Deshikan would leave the forest to go to the nearest town to beg for alms and food. One day, while going on his visits from house to house, he reached a rich man’s house. This man had already heard of Deshikan leading an ascetic’s life and surviving on alms he received. The rich man decided to gift him something precious so that he would not have to beg for alms. He mixed a few gold coins in the rice that he filled in Deshikan’s begging bowl.
At the end of the day, Deshikan reached home and asked his wife to cook rice for dinner. When his wife served him the rice, Deshikan saw the gold coins in it. He told his wife, “There are worms in the rice. Remove them and give me the rice.”
After his wife had thrown away the gold coins, Deshikan ate the rice and enjoyed his meal fully.