CEO or Chief Executive Officer is the person who has the prime responsibility for the fortune and future of his organisation. A CEO is also the person who harbours the ambition to better himself, be a contributor, to make a difference, to grow professionally and to be more successful. A number of factors influence the CEO’s path to success and some of these are work habits, luck, timing, competitors, personality, supporters, talent and circumstances. A quick reading of the book may help to improve one’s work habits, influence the odds, impact the timing, surpass one’s competitors and deftly use one’s talent.
The author of the book is founder of a marketing consulting company called Fox & Co. which serves over 60 companies and 60 industries and has its headquarters at Connecticut. Be you a CEO in a bank, in advertising or manufacturing company, the author stresses that the money that is offered is important to consider because “always take the job that offers the most money.”
There are many other suggestions and recommendations made and these are based on the reality of business and the organisation.
The book gives some invaluable tips to follow if you want to become a successful boss.
(Hyperion Books, 77 West 66th Sreet, 12th Floor, New York – 10023.)